Obama One Angry Dude, Part II: Comparing To Past Presidents

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Pundit after pundit are attempting to determine how Obama will “rule” in the next two years, considering the drubbing his party took at the polls, and are writing article after article on how he compares to previous Presidents.

Will he be like Carter? Will he be like Clinton? Bush 41, Hoover, Roosevelt and Lincoln have also been mentioned. I think that all of those comparisons are false.

Just watch his speech from the other day again. Look at the deep seated rage and hatred that he has for the Republicans and by extension, the American people, for as I mentioned in my previous post, the Republicans are simply our messengers, taking our message of lower taxes for everyone to Washington.

In my opinion, you can’t compare him to any other previous President, because no matter who you refer to, I don’t think that any other previous President hates America and the ideals of America. Sure, they may have done some things which took us off course, and others had to bring us back, but I think you can’t argue with the fact that pretty much every other President loved America, the ideals of America, and the American people.

Republican or Democrat, every President before him, underneath all that they do, showed their love for America, American ideals and the American people (Well, maybe Carter not so much).

But Obama is in a different league. I think that underneath, he secretly detests America, American ideals, and the American people, who he finds to be largely uneducated idiots. Him, and his cronies, exist to take apart America, and rebuild it in some new image, something other than what it is.

So that’s why all of the “comparisons” fall flat: no prior President has actively "hated” America, American ideals and the American people. They all have had varying degrees of love for America, American ideals and the American people.

Only Obama has stepped into the realm of hate. He hides it well, but it came out in that speech the other day. And I suspect that, as long as his party remains in the minority, and the American people reject his restructuring of this country, that we will be seeing more and more “Angry Obama”.