ObamaCare, By The Numbers

ObamaCare, By The Numbers

Stats on Obamacare, in case you weren't aware. and these are just the monetary costs. Theres no telling now much long term damage this will do to our culture, when government own our bodies as well.
Pages: 2032
Words: 450000
Hours to read it: 48
Number of times REGULATION appears: 181
Number of times TAX appears: 214
Number of times FEE appears: 103
Cost: $1,055,000,000,000
Doc Pay Cut: 21.5%
Stolen From Medicare: $426,000,000,000
States Pay: $34,000,000,000
New Taxes: $572,000,000,000
SurTax: 5.4%
Top Tax Rate: 45%
New Biz Tax: 8% (passed on to consumers)
New income Tax: 2.5% or $3800 per family
New government bureaucracies to administer this: 111
Abortion Fee, per enrollee: $1. Which is what? $40,000,000+?
Americans Opposing the Bill: 54% or 165,000,000