Audit The Fed Bill

Info on current status of House and Senate versions of the Audit the Fed bill:

The house bill (HR 1207 sponsored by Ron Paul) has a spectacular 307 Cosponsors (all the Republican Reps, well over 100 Dem Reps), yet it languishes in the Financial Services Committee because Barney Frank wants it to. He says he wants the bill to pass, but he wants to make it a part of a regulatory reform package, but we all know that the "reforms" they are talking about is to give the Fed more power and control over all financial sectors even controlling executive pay at private companies. We need Congress members to demand that the bill moves forward on its own.

ACTION NEEDED: We need to contact our Congressperson and tell them to push this to a vote and not to include it in any other legislation. We want real transparency in the Federal Reserve System.

Here's what the Daily Paul posted:

In the Senate, we have a respectable 30 Cosponsors (out of 100) for Bernie Sander's version, S 604. It is essentially the same bill as in the house. We know the Senate is a harder nut to crack as they are not up for reelection every two years. They don't have to pretend to listen to the constituents.

Here's the immediate threat for the Senate: Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Bob Corker (R-TN) introduced "The Federal Reserve Accountability Act," an attempt to kill HR 1207/S 604 by passing a bill that prevents a full audit and full transparency. We need to contact our Senators and tell them we want real Transparency, not this watered down version. This does not have a bill number yet.

ACTION NEEDED: We need to be all over this. Demand that that they support S 604 and lets stop this new, bogus bill cold. Here's the link from Campaign For Liberty:

There has been plenty more written at C4L and

There is huge bi-partisan support from all corners of the political landscape. I like this illustration of some of the supporters:

The House Finance Services Committee had a hearing 3(?) weeks ago. One piece of info that came out is that Congress members have been deluged with messages of support for a full audit, both when they were home at town hall meetings and in DC. It is easy to let it slide after making calls for awhile. We know contacting them makes a huge difference and there are serious threats to both bills right now. We need to be hammering home the message.