Obama Bores The Muslim World Into Submission

Obama, in his first major speech to the Muslim world, completely ends the global war or terror by apologizing to the world for his predecessor launching a War On Islam, (instead of saying "Islam Is Peace"), telling everyone, from the Israelis to the radical Muslims, to the Iranians what to do. In a speech full of "teachable moments" our failed community organizer of a President shows how far we've fallen from a strong military and economic world superpower, to just another third world nation. Reaction so far: just empty words. Where are the deeds to back those words up. When will you bring back all those troops stationed overseas for no good reason? When will you actually pull out of all those countries in the world in which we are meddling with their sovereignty? When will you actually assist the citizens of oppressive states to change their governments for the better? Just words, not deeds.