Obamas Epic Olympic FAIL

So Rio gets the Olympics. Big deal. If I were living in Chicago, I'd be breathing a sigh of relief right now. Do you know what hosting the Olympics does to a city? The IOC picked Rio de Janeiro because like most progressive authoritarian organizations, they believe that everything they touch turns to gold. They looked at Rio and thought - the Olympics will revitalize that city. In reality, it will probably just bankupt that city. So I wonder, why do so many people think that "changing the world" is the reason they get into one profession or another? We don't need to change the world - we need to empower people to change themselves, and that will change the world. Lets start with stop listening to those forces that try to run our lives and say NO. Stand up to your government, your religion, anyone who tells you what to do and think that they know whats good for you. The only way to change the world is to empower the people of the world, not the governments, or pseudo-governments, of the world to change it.