Washington 'Shall' Control Your Healthcare
‘Jobs Created or Saved’ Is White House Fantasy: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg.com
Why Democrats Should Start to Sweat
William McGurn: The Post-Gracious President - WSJ.com
The most visible manifestations of the new ungraciousness are the repeated digs the president and his senior staffers continue to make against George W. Bush. Recently, the administration has given us two fresh examples. The first is about Afghanistan, the other about the economy."
Obama's big change: He moves America to the Right | Washington Examiner
It's not that more people are actually becoming Republicans or calling themselves Republicans -- the number of voters who formally identify with the party is at its lowest point in years. But we appear to be in the early stages of a shift in which political independents, people who not too long ago were sick of Republicans, are now leaning toward GOP positions on some key issues."
RealClearPolitics - Video - Frank: "We Are Trying On Every Front To Increase The Role Of Government"
American Idea
One right Thing: Feds to stop prosecuting medical marijuana users
Tax the Wealthy Even More? That's Rich — The Patriot Post
Freedom's Destruction By Constitutional De-Construction
RealClearPolitics - 'Reform' No One Wants to Pay For
Taking On the 'Democrat-Media Complex' - WSJ.com
O's 'blank screen'
Fox Hunting
Obama goes after Fox News: Gee, you think he will win? Remember what happened to Nixon and the Washington Post
Where Are The Jobs, Mr. President
Obama says :"We're going to continue to explore each and every avenue that I can think of that will lead to job creation and economic growth,". How about reduce taxes and getting government out of the way so that the people can turn this ship around
Obama In Your TV
If over the next few weeks, you get a huge dose of media pushing "service" and "volunteerism", don't look any farther than the White House for the source. As if Obama weren't already in your TV.
Ron Paul 'Obama Is Continuing Corporatism We Need To End The Federal Reserve'
Farce: Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize
Quite possibly my shortest show. The Nobel Prize committee basically invalidates all past and future Nobel Peace Prizes for giving it to someone who has done nothing for peace. Simply shows how political and partisan that group is. And are therefore meaningless.
Liars and Users In The White House
What kind of parents forget the details of their daughter having meningitis? Ones who lie, and use their own family for political gain. Nice
What's The Rush? ObamaCare Support Wanes
If the Obamacare bill is SO great, why is support waning and they have to ram something through quickly? You'd think if this really was important to the American people, it would be gaining support, not losing it, right? If it was really important, don't you think we should have the time to do it right and not quickly? Reality: we don't need Obamacare, now or ever. Or HillaryCare. Or BaucusCare. Or any variant. Leave us alone!
Big Government Health Care PSA
A parody PSA about Big Government and its plans to take over health care. A spoof of Will Ferrell's ad for MoveOn.org
Michael Moore In the White House
Wondering where the next Michael Moore is? Right there in the White House. Obama's latest stunt to try to sell his horrific health care proposals take a page right out of Michael Moore's playbook. Basically, only present those who agree with your point of view, and forget the majority of others who disagree with you. If Obama can find 3 doctors from each state to support his plan, i bet i could find 7 who don't. But if you don't hear from those 7, what will you think. Thanks, Propagandist-In-Chief
Obamas Epic Olympic FAIL
So Rio gets the Olympics. Big deal. If I were living in Chicago, I'd be breathing a sigh of relief right now. Do you know what hosting the Olympics does to a city? The IOC picked Rio de Janeiro because like most progressive authoritarian organizations, they believe that everything they touch turns to gold. They looked at Rio and thought - the Olympics will revitalize that city. In reality, it will probably just bankupt that city. So I wonder, why do so many people think that "changing the world" is the reason they get into one profession or another? We don't need to change the world - we need to empower people to change themselves, and that will change the world. Lets start with stop listening to those forces that try to run our lives and say NO. Stand up to your government, your religion, anyone who tells you what to do and think that they know whats good for you. The only way to change the world is to empower the people of the world, not the governments, or pseudo-governments, of the world to change it.
Public Or Private: You Choose
What do you think - would you rather deal with a government official, or a private business? Which do you have better experiences with, the DMV or your doctor? Think about it. Do we really want government bureaucrats running 90% of our lives?
Be Responsible, Go To Jail
More amazing facts from the health care bill: if you are still too poor to pay, you get fined. If you are too poor to pay the fine, you go to jail. Probably a false flag to drive a single payer stake into it.