Obama's Year in Review

365 Moments of Silence for the Year from Hell, and the Decade From Hell

Bring on the Tens, where the PEOPLE TAKE BACK THE COUNTRY

The 'Real' Jobless Rate: 17.5% of Workers are Unemployed

The 'Real' Jobless Rate: 17.5% of Workers are Unemployed - Economy * US * News * Story - CNBC.com:

"According to the government's broadest measure of unemployment, some 17.5 percent are either without a job entirely or underemployed. The so-called U-6 number is at the highest rate since becoming an official labor statistic in 1994."

Travesty in New York

RealClearPolitics - Travesty in New York:

"September 11, 2001 had to speak for itself. A decade later, the deed will be given voice. KSM has gratuitously been presented with the greatest propaganda platform imaginable -- a civilian trial in the media capital of the world -- from which to proclaim the glory of jihad and the criminality of infidel America."

The Five Flaws of the Reid Health Bill

The Five Flaws of the Reid Health Bill � The Foundry:

"We’re still poring over Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-NV) just released health care overhaul, but the major outlines of the bill are no different than the policy train wreck the House passed earlier this month."

Jobs Saved or Created in Congressional Districts That Don't Exist

Jobs Saved or Created in Congressional Districts That Don't Exist - ABC News:

"Here's a stimulus success story: In Arizona's 15th congressional district, 30 jobs have been saved or created with just $761,420 in federal stimulus spending. At least that's what the Web site set up by the Obama administration to track the $787 billion stimulus says.

There's one problem, though: There is no 15th congressional district in Arizona; the state has only eight districts.

And ABC News has found many more entries for projects like this in places that are incorrectly identified."

Obama Administration Slashed 60,000 Jobs From Recent Stimulus Report - ABC News

Obama Administration Slashed 60,000 Jobs From Recent Stimulus Report

"The Obama administration, under fire for inflating job growth from the $787 billion stimulus plan, slashed over 60,000 jobs from its most recent report on the program because the reporting outlets had submitted 'unrealistic data,' according to a document obtained by ABC News."

An Ideologue Instead of a Statesman

Commentary � Blog Archive � An Ideologue Instead of a Statesman:

"President Obama is pushing a hugely expensive and ambitious domestic agenda the public simply does not want. Many Americans also believe that what Obama is doing is a diversion from the pressing issues confronting the country — a weak economy, the highest rates of unemployment and underemployment in more than a quarter century (the figure now stands at 17.5 percent), and an exploding deficit and debt."

Oily health bill fails to build trust

Oily health bill fails to build trust | detnews.com | The Detroit News:

"Despite the president's 'Don't worry, trust me' assurances that the reforms will deliver universal coverage with superior care and at a lower cost without disrupting current coverage, more than half of Americans aren't buying -- and it's not because they're frightened by Republican hainty tales. They know what snake oil smells like."

Perry says Obama taking U.S. toward socialism

Perry says Obama taking U.S. toward socialism | First Reading:

"Gov. Rick Perry had some pretty strong comments about the Obama administration on Wednesday in Midland, saying, “This is an administration hell-bent on taking America towards a socialist country.”"

The Triumph of Socialism

The Triumph of Socialism by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.:

"Do you think ideas don't matter, that what people believe about themselves and their world has no real consequence? If so, the following will not bug you in the slightest."

House narrowly passes landmark health care bill

House narrowly passes landmark health care bill:

'We are going to have a complete government takeover of our health care system faster than you can say, 'this is making me sick,'' jabbed Rep. Candice Miller, R-Mich., adding that Democrats were intent on passing 'a jobs-killing, tax-hiking, deficit-exploding' bill"

Election result: Red-state Dems worried, rethink agenda - Manu Raju and Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

Election result: Red-state Dems worried, rethink agenda - Manu Raju and Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com: "Election Day losses in Virginia and New Jersey have congressional Democrats focused like never before on jobs — their own.

While the White House and party leaders are urging calm, Democratic incumbents from red states and Republican-leaning districts are anything but; Tuesday's statehouse defeats have left them acutely aware that their votes on health care reform and other major Obama initiatives could be career-enders in 2010 or beyond"

ObamaCare, By The Numbers

ObamaCare, By The Numbers

Stats on Obamacare, in case you weren't aware. and these are just the monetary costs. Theres no telling now much long term damage this will do to our culture, when government own our bodies as well.
Pages: 2032
Words: 450000
Hours to read it: 48
Number of times REGULATION appears: 181
Number of times TAX appears: 214
Number of times FEE appears: 103
Cost: $1,055,000,000,000
Doc Pay Cut: 21.5%
Stolen From Medicare: $426,000,000,000
States Pay: $34,000,000,000
New Taxes: $572,000,000,000
SurTax: 5.4%
Top Tax Rate: 45%
New Biz Tax: 8% (passed on to consumers)
New income Tax: 2.5% or $3800 per family
New government bureaucracies to administer this: 111
Abortion Fee, per enrollee: $1. Which is what? $40,000,000+?
Americans Opposing the Bill: 54% or 165,000,000

ELEMENTARY EPIDEMIC: 11 Uncovered Videos Show School Children Performing Praises to Obama

ELEMENTARY EPIDEMIC: 11 Uncovered Videos Show School Children Performing Praises to Obama:

"Young captive minds, easily influenced, eager for direction, enlisted into a cult of personality focused on an individual who, other than being the first black president, has yet to accomplish anything of significance"

Worst Bill Ever

Nancy Pelosi's New Health-Care Bill - WSJ.com:

"Yet at this point, Democrats have dumped any pretense of genuine bipartisan 'reform' and moved into the realm of pure power politics as they race against the unpopularity of their own agenda. The goal is to ram through whatever income-redistribution scheme they can claim to be 'universal coverage.' The result will be destructive on every level—for the health-care system, for the country's fiscal condition, and ultimately for American freedom and prosperity."

Ron Paul: Important News on Audit the Fed

In this Audit the Fed update, Dr. Paul explains what is happening with HR 1207 in the Monetary Policy Subcommittee, describes his plan to protect 1207 in the full Financial Services Committee, and provides ideas on actions we can take to keep Audit the Fed from being watered down.

Take Heed, GOP

Take heed, Republicans. if you ever want to get back into power, you need to be more conservative and libertarian. Ever wonder why those polls saying the country is on the wrong track DON'T CHANGE no matter who is in power? It's because NEITHER party is the party of the people. NEITHER party wants to go back to the founders vision of America. But the American people DO.

"In New York, Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman has surged into the lead in the 23rd Congressional District, according to two polls, following the abrupt withdrawal Saturday of Republican candidate Dede Scozzafava. A Siena Research Institute Poll showed Mr. Hoffman, who was embraced by the Republican Party following Ms. Scozzafava's withdrawal, leading 41% to 36%. A survey by Public Policy Polling showed a bigger lead, 54% to 38%."

America Disheartened

Obama and his ilk don't care if Americans are disheartened. in the past, we were always able to see a future. Not this time. When people are starting to be taxes 50,60, 70%+, they will give up - they are not automatons that will simply do the Saviors bidding. Americans understand how important it is to support success, not penalize it. Will this attitude of false optimism in our government kill America?

Audit The Fed Bill

Info on current status of House and Senate versions of the Audit the Fed bill:

The house bill (HR 1207 sponsored by Ron Paul) has a spectacular 307 Cosponsors (all the Republican Reps, well over 100 Dem Reps), yet it languishes in the Financial Services Committee because Barney Frank wants it to. He says he wants the bill to pass, but he wants to make it a part of a regulatory reform package, but we all know that the "reforms" they are talking about is to give the Fed more power and control over all financial sectors even controlling executive pay at private companies. We need Congress members to demand that the bill moves forward on its own.

ACTION NEEDED: We need to contact our Congressperson and tell them to push this to a vote and not to include it in any other legislation. We want real transparency in the Federal Reserve System.

Here's what the Daily Paul posted: http://www.dailypaul.com/node/112459

In the Senate, we have a respectable 30 Cosponsors (out of 100) for Bernie Sander's version, S 604. It is essentially the same bill as in the house. We know the Senate is a harder nut to crack as they are not up for reelection every two years. They don't have to pretend to listen to the constituents.

Here's the immediate threat for the Senate: Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Bob Corker (R-TN) introduced "The Federal Reserve Accountability Act," an attempt to kill HR 1207/S 604 by passing a bill that prevents a full audit and full transparency. We need to contact our Senators and tell them we want real Transparency, not this watered down version. This does not have a bill number yet.

ACTION NEEDED: We need to be all over this. Demand that that they support S 604 and lets stop this new, bogus bill cold. Here's the link from Campaign For Liberty:


There has been plenty more written at C4L and http://www.auditthefed.com

There is huge bi-partisan support from all corners of the political landscape. I like this illustration of some of the supporters:

The House Finance Services Committee had a hearing 3(?) weeks ago. One piece of info that came out is that Congress members have been deluged with messages of support for a full audit, both when they were home at town hall meetings and in DC. It is easy to let it slide after making calls for awhile. We know contacting them makes a huge difference and there are serious threats to both bills right now. We need to be hammering home the message.

$2M A Page

The health care bill is a doozy: trillions of dollars in spending for WORSE CARE. Why are we doing this again?

This Is Obama's Mess Now

Obama is not interested in "cleaning up the mess".

Stimulus Jobs WAY Overestimated? Join The Enemies List

Obama adds AP to the enemies list because they had the temerity to report the truth.

Barney Frank Is The Jim Carrey (ala Liar, Liar) Of The Democrat Party

Barney Frank tells it like it is.

Washington 'Shall' Control Your Healthcare

Washington 'Shall' Control Your Healthcare:

"The King James version of the Bible runs more than 600 pages and is crammed with celestial regulations. Newton's Principia Mathematica distilled many of the rules of physics in a mere 974 pages. Neither have anything on Nancy Pelosi's new fiendishly entertaining health-care opus, which tops 1,900 pages. So curl up by a fire with a fifth of whiskey and just dive in."

‘Jobs Created or Saved’ Is White House Fantasy: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg.com

‘Jobs Created or Saved’ Is White House Fantasy: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg.com: "“Government job creation is an oxymoron,” said Bill Dunkelberg, chief economist at the National Federation of Independent Business. It is only by depriving the private sector of funds that government can hire or subsidize hiring."

Why Democrats Should Start to Sweat

RealClearPolitics - Why Democrats Should Start to Sweat: "You wake up in the morning and just like every other morning as far as the eye can see the only thing in the news is the president's health-care reform. It's starting to look like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are leading the Donner Party, the snowbound emigrants who bogged down in the Sierra Nevada winter in the 1840s and resorted to cannibalism to survive."

House Leader Calls Health Bill "1,990 Pages Of Bureaucracy"

RealClearPolitics - Video - House Leader Calls Health Bill "1,990 Pages Of Bureaucracy"

William McGurn: The Post-Gracious President - WSJ.com

William McGurn: The Post-Gracious President - WSJ.com: "Nine months after Barack Obama entered the Oval Office, his most adamant critics must concede he's delivered on 'change.' And we see it in our first post-gracious presidency.

The most visible manifestations of the new ungraciousness are the repeated digs the president and his senior staffers continue to make against George W. Bush. Recently, the administration has given us two fresh examples. The first is about Afghanistan, the other about the economy."

Obama's big change: He moves America to the Right | Washington Examiner

Obama's big change: He moves America to the Right | Washington Examiner: "As promised, Barack Obama is bringing change to America. He's making it more Republican.
It's not that more people are actually becoming Republicans or calling themselves Republicans -- the number of voters who formally identify with the party is at its lowest point in years. But we appear to be in the early stages of a shift in which political independents, people who not too long ago were sick of Republicans, are now leaning toward GOP positions on some key issues."

RealClearPolitics - Video - Frank: "We Are Trying On Every Front To Increase The Role Of Government"

RealClearPolitics - Video - Frank: "We Are Trying On Every Front To Increase The Role Of Government"

American Idea

American Idea - Ayn Rand Admirers at The Atlasphere: "Americans are harder workers, more philanthropic, individualistic, self-reliant, anti-government than people in most other countries. We’ve turned what was an 18th-century Third World nation into the freest and most prosperous nation in mankind’s entire history."

One right Thing: Feds to stop prosecuting medical marijuana users

Obama finally does one thing right: Feds to stop prosecuting medical marijuana users: "Pot-smoking patients or their sanctioned suppliers should not be targeted for federal prosecution in states that allow medical marijuana, prosecutors were told Monday in a new policy memo issued by the Justice Department."

Tax the Wealthy Even More? That's Rich — The Patriot Post

Tax the Wealthy Even More? That's Rich — The Patriot Post: "Your parents probably told you that you can't get something for nothing. But your government is sending a very different message. For now, at least."

Freedom's Destruction By Constitutional De-Construction

Freedom's Destruction By Constitutional De-Construction: "During the Constitutional Convention, from May to September 1787, delegates from the colonies were to gather together for the express purpose of amending the Articles of Confederation to form a 'more perfect union' (NOT a completely different union!). The men that met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, were under direct and limited orders from their states to attend the Federal Convention explicitly to preserve the federation and State rights and to correct the errors of the existing federal government for the limited purposes of handling foreign affairs, commerce among the states and common defense."

Glenn Beck : Anita Dunn Favorite philosopher Mao Tse-Tung 10.15.09

RealClearPolitics - 'Reform' No One Wants to Pay For

RealClearPolitics - 'Reform' No One Wants to Pay For: "So as Michael Cannon of the Cato Institute points out, 'Universal coverage is so expensive that Congress can't get there without taxing Democrats.' So when those taxes are cut on low and middle earners, there's not enough money to finance the deals the White House has been making with health care interest groups."

Peter Schiff On Freedom Watch 10-15-09

Taking On the 'Democrat-Media Complex' - WSJ.com

The Weekend Interview With Andrew Breitbart: Taking On the 'Democrat-Media Complex' - WSJ.com: "Dressing up as a pimp and prostitute in order to seek Acorn's help in starting a child sex-slavery ring wasn't Andrew Breitbart's idea. But without the Internet entrepreneur's flair for publicity, the hidden-camera sting might not have produced such impressive results. Within days of his publishing the video expos�, government agencies were cutting ties with the left-wing advocacy and community-organizing group, Congress was voting to end its federal funding, and news organizations were rushing to catch up with a sensational story they had initially resisted or ignored."

O's 'blank screen'

O's 'blank screen': "The cool and reasonable candidate who gave hope to his voters, who promised to rise above the ugly politics and big money of Washington, is turning out to be as conventional a politician as any other. Indeed, as he runs a permanent campaign from the White House, he is proving to be more committed to protecting the vested interests of his party than standing up for actual change."

Fox Hunting

Obama goes after Fox News: Gee, you think he will win? Remember what happened to Nixon and the Washington Post

Where Are The Jobs, Mr. President

Obama says :"We're going to continue to explore each and every avenue that I can think of that will lead to job creation and economic growth,". How about reduce taxes and getting government out of the way so that the people can turn this ship around

Obama In Your TV

If over the next few weeks, you get a huge dose of media pushing "service" and "volunteerism", don't look any farther than the White House for the source. As if Obama weren't already in your TV.

Ron Paul 'Obama Is Continuing Corporatism We Need To End The Federal Reserve'

9/15/2009 Dr Ron Paul is given praise on Morning Joe for calling the bubbles of the Federal Reserve years ago while most people ignored him.

Dr Paul dismisses the Lewinsky fiasco as nothing but a sideshow to the REAL reasons Clinton should be impeached, namely his criminal bombing of innocents in Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan and Serbia (former Yugoslavia).

In the end, Ron Paul essentially warns of future terrorist acts to come as a result of the current foreign policy. His message has been on point for decades.

Farce: Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Quite possibly my shortest show. The Nobel Prize committee basically invalidates all past and future Nobel Peace Prizes for giving it to someone who has done nothing for peace. Simply shows how political and partisan that group is. And are therefore meaningless.

Liars and Users In The White House


What kind of parents forget the details of their daughter having meningitis? Ones who lie, and use their own family for political gain. Nice

What's The Rush? ObamaCare Support Wanes

If the Obamacare bill is SO great, why is support waning and they have to ram something through quickly? You'd think if this really was important to the American people, it would be gaining support, not losing it, right? If it was really important, don't you think we should have the time to do it right and not quickly? Reality: we don't need Obamacare, now or ever. Or HillaryCare. Or BaucusCare. Or any variant. Leave us alone!

Big Government Health Care PSA

A parody PSA about Big Government and its plans to take over health care. A spoof of Will Ferrell's ad for MoveOn.org

Michael Moore In the White House

Wondering where the next Michael Moore is? Right there in the White House. Obama's latest stunt to try to sell his horrific health care proposals take a page right out of Michael Moore's playbook. Basically, only present those who agree with your point of view, and forget the majority of others who disagree with you. If Obama can find 3 doctors from each state to support his plan, i bet i could find 7 who don't. But if you don't hear from those 7, what will you think. Thanks, Propagandist-In-Chief

Obamas Epic Olympic FAIL

So Rio gets the Olympics. Big deal. If I were living in Chicago, I'd be breathing a sigh of relief right now. Do you know what hosting the Olympics does to a city? The IOC picked Rio de Janeiro because like most progressive authoritarian organizations, they believe that everything they touch turns to gold. They looked at Rio and thought - the Olympics will revitalize that city. In reality, it will probably just bankupt that city. So I wonder, why do so many people think that "changing the world" is the reason they get into one profession or another? We don't need to change the world - we need to empower people to change themselves, and that will change the world. Lets start with stop listening to those forces that try to run our lives and say NO. Stand up to your government, your religion, anyone who tells you what to do and think that they know whats good for you. The only way to change the world is to empower the people of the world, not the governments, or pseudo-governments, of the world to change it.

Public Or Private: You Choose

What do you think - would you rather deal with a government official, or a private business? Which do you have better experiences with, the DMV or your doctor? Think about it. Do we really want government bureaucrats running 90% of our lives?

Be Responsible, Go To Jail

More amazing facts from the health care bill: if you are still too poor to pay, you get fined. If you are too poor to pay the fine, you go to jail. Probably a false flag to drive a single payer stake into it.

The Bullycrats

Baucus lays siege on a company which had the temerity to inform their customers of changes to their health care based on a reading of the new health care plan. Those bastards! They are capitalists and must be put down and put down hard.

Obama Throws ACORN Under The Bus

Hmm. Last weekend Obama threw ACORN under the bus and he sounded like he didn't know much about an organization that he worked for for over 20 years. So I guess you embarrass him and you get thrown under the bus. Doesn't he need them to win the next election though? I guess they will still fight for them even if he disses them. True abusive behavior.

Banker Pay

What makes you think Obama will stop at regulating just banker pay. We are all on the list, peoplel

A Minority Viewpoint with Libertarian Jabriel Ballentine

Ron Paul 9/21/09 "Trade Wars and Protectionism are not Free Trade"

How I Became a Market Anarchist P2

How I Became a Market Anarchist Part 1

Michelle Obama is a Greedy Racist

The true story of Barack Obama and his Socialist agenda. How he protects his wife and the hypocrisy and greed that are involved.

Is Obama Stupid, Naive Or Malicious?

Discuss: Since it has been proven time and time by historical fact that its less government intervention in markets is what lets the economy roar back, why is Obama continuing to follow the course of expanding government? Is it that a) he does not care about the economy and the half million plus NEW unemployed every MONTH and only wants to force through his giant expansion of government b) he is naive and really thinks that more government intervention will really help the economy, which has been proven totally false in every case or c) he is purposely making moves to wreck the economy and take us back down to the Third World since its so much easier to subjugate a Third World country than it is to subjugate a First World country.

Glenn Beck says McCain would have been worse for America than Obama - Spastic Sasha AGREES

I need 10 minutes to explain why

6 Names of Shame

Dr. James David Manning says "thank you for turning our world over to these dictators and tyrants.

CBS / Letterman shocking lack of respect for the First Black President of the USA Barack Obama

Obama spends more time on his image than on actually working

How Social Programs Crush Cultures

On a previous show, I talked about how socialized medicine will change American culture. I go into a little more detail here. Most other countries in the world how have a large number of social programs crush their citizens with huge income taxes, huge sales taxes, and all sorts of additional costs. The cultures in these countries go from optimistic to pessimistic, when its takes more and more effort to stay in the same place. Whereas before, maybe one salary could support a family, once these programs start taking their toll, and trust me they are much much more expensive when they are "managed" by the state, both parents may need to work or get additional jobs just to make ends meet. It fosters an "every man for himself" attitude where no one helps anyone else. If you go to these countries you'll note how surly most people are. They are struggling to survive every day under the crushing tax burden. That's our future under an expansion of these programs, especially health care, as its the most expensive and intrusive.

The Obama-Baucus Health Care "Plan"

The plan is out and its a doozy. More costs for everyone. Higher taxes, less choice, government takeover and eventual destruction of yet another industry. Fascism, anyone?

The Fall Of ACORN

You know whats really absurd? That ACORN falls due to this idiotic pimp/prostitute go get a mortgage video, when they done a hell of a lot more criminal things than that. Oh well, I say "whatever works" to shut down this corrupt, criminal enterprise. Please, Republicans, at least follow through on that, otherwise we'll really start thinking that you are in on the joke with the Democrats...

We're All Racists Now

So Jimmy Carter says its all about race now. Not because his policies stink. No its all about race. Of course, that what they always trot out when they can't defend their guy. Just call his opponents racist. Red Herring anyone?

To My Liberal Friends...

To my liberal friends...how do you feel about Obama's position on gay marriage, the War on Drugs and others. He's a failure on those fronts as well.

Freedom, NOT Conservatism, Is On The March

Some reports state that over 2 million people marched on Washington to protest increased spending and more government intervention into our lives. Some conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and many Republicans are latching onto this as a new "conservative" revolution. The only conservative thing that the marchers believe in is of the "fiscal" type. Don't be fooled. Once the Republicans use this anti-government backlash to get themselves voted back in, they will continue the SAME spending sprees, only on different things. McCain wanted a health care bill too, remember? The only solution is to force the Republicans to truly take up the full mantle of libertarian thought and run with it, and not just discard it after they are elected back in. Ever wonder why people still feel that the country is on the wrong track, even though there has been a changing of the guard? The people realize they are both the same.

Why government option will destroy private health insurance industry

Government programs are inefficient and lose money consistently (think Postal Service, Amtrak, etc.). Government run health insurance plan will be no different. In order to provide more for less (as Obama is promising), they will have to offer low prices and will definitely operate at a deficit. Once the plan is instituted though, nobody will ever cancel it. Therefore, it will absolutely be subsidized, despite what Obama says. Once it is subsidized, kiss "choice and competition" goodbye.

It was never about choice and competition. It is all about power and making people dependant on the government.

Kill Obamacare Now

We need to kill this bill now. It is much much more far reaching that you think. This bill, and any bill like it, will kill America and its culture.

Maxine Waters Urges Obama to Pass Health Care Using Nuclear Option

Uggg her again. The same person who wants to socialize everything er I mean having the government taking over on everything.

Reid "Taxation Is Voluntary"

Jan Helfeld interviews Senator Harry Reid about
redistributive taxes. Reid maintains redistributive taxes are not a problem because people are not forced to pay taxes. He says taxation is voluntary???. How and why does Harry Reid get into this bind and make such a preposterous statement?

Labor Less Day

So, King, where is the great economic recovery you promised us with the stimulus bill, the spending bill, the cap and trade bill and now the healthcare bill? Are you aware that as a result of your actions, you have actually increased unemployment to over 30% in some places of the country? Well, of course, if you realize that the true endgame of this president and democrat congress is to increase and solidify government control over our lives and NOT turn the economy around, then you can understand why he is making the moves he is making. A number of economists are now saying the Obama is repeating the mistakes which drove the country into a deeper, longer recessions in the past, and may even drive us to 3rd world status from 1st world. Its happened before. Why is he doing this? I guess its easier to control a third world country with fascist and socialist policies than a 1st world country. Is this the path he is taking us on?

Pirates in DC

Barack Obama, Barney Frank, Maxine Waters and Rahm Emanuel tell us their plans for America. Spreading the wealth, single payer health care system, government run companies and mandatory civil defense. All of these statements have somehow been accepted, because all of these people are in places of authority. Just listen to their own words.

Obamas Speech To Schoolchildren

OK so the Kings speech isn't an overt call to his arms, but still if you read it right - everything he wants kids to strive for is not really for themselves, but for their country. For the Fatherland! Since when did the founders idolize the country, and not the people of the country? As far as I know, the rules are "the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness" apply to the individual citizen striving for themselves, not their country. Plus where is the mention of becoming a great businessperson, and making a lot of money, supporting the economy and creating jobs? Nowhere. We should be successful for our own sake, not yours, buster! So are we going to have to deprogram our kids every year? Is he going to do this again?

According to Ancient Greeks, You're Not Free

Professor Hunter Rawlings III explains that ancient Greeks had a very different concept of freedom, which they perceived as an obligation, while the American tradition defines freedom as individual rights.

Obama Recruits Your Children To His Cause

Why is King Obama addressing his youngest subjects without their parents in the room so they can call his BS as he says it? I don't want our lord and master telling my kids what to do without me in the room. Of course, I'm sure that he would prefer that all children become wards of the state the day they are born, which WILL happen once he gets his paws on our decent health care system and replaces it with a malfunctioning one like Canada's. Can I protest? Can I write a letter to my sons teacher and tell her to exclude him? And have him be singled out and ridiculed in this very leftist state? What choice do I have when the state co-opts our children without our consent? You can bet I'll be de-programming him on Tuesday night....

Speaking Ill Of The Dead

Senator Kennedy is dead. Why do we never speak ill of the dead? Since when do people become saints when they die? If you ask me, their time for redemption has simply run out, and you must judge them against their lives.

Cradle Of Democracy

Why do we need so many rules? I came back from Greece with two impressions: 1) Socialism is very expensive and 2) we all have, follow and enforce too many rules. We need more chaos and anarchy around here!

America In Crisis

I got an IOU from California for a measly $300 that they owe me in taxes. Obama is layering bill after bill after bill, each one larger than the other. The country is in ruins. Half a million new people a month are losing their jobs. Our rulers dine on $100 a pound steak, $700,000 junkets and buy $500 tennis shoes. Our government plays as the country and the culture burns and dies. Our only salvation, free speech and free markets, are also dying. Is this the time to bury our heads in the sand and say "this too shall pass"? Or is now the time to fight? Even if we do fight, what are our options? The Statists control everything. Is there is way to go back? This is what I feared most when Obama won - that he would take us into statism so fast, we wouldn't know what hit us. And that is exactly what happened.

The Health Care Bill

The Obama Health Care bill finally rears its ugly head. And boy, is it ugly. Huge tax increases, and not even full coverage, and implementing a full on culture change to boot. Thanks a bunch.

Innovation Saves.

Do you know what is going to get us out of this economic slump? Its not just free markets, its also the innovation which springs from a free market. Humans ARE creatures of competition. The essence of humanity is striving to do better. And why would anyone decide to create a new product or service in order to make money and be successful when its possible that 80-90% of your wealth will be ripped from you by an overreaching administration? Why bother being successful when there is no reward?

Sarah Palin Resigns

So the controversial Palin steps down. She did what was best for the state I guess. Question is: does it matter? Could Palin re-invent herself as the savior of Goldwater conservative principles? There was talk at one point about Palin being Ron Paul's running mate. Is she as as destructive as Hillary Clinton was one to the Democrat party. Will she be able to bring fiscal conservatives from all parties together in order to create a truly more libertarian solution? Or will she fizzle like all attempts to increase free speech and free markets? Who knows.

Global Governance - Forced Abortions - Planetary Regimes

Oh man. Looks like Al Gore has pretensions on being the first King Of The World - watch out Obama. He calls for "global governance" aka One World Government. Kinda like what one of Obama's new advisors, the SciTech czar said in his book: We need a "planetary regime" and in order to combat "overpopulation" we need forced abortions and forced insertions of pregnancy blocking devices, cause of course the human race is a pestilence on the planet which must be destroyed. How is it that all these nutbars are treated just fine in a Democrat regime, when they would be slammed as little Hitlers in a GOP regime? Either way, has anyone asked why we have people hostile to the human race in positions of power. Oh wait, I suppose that could be said of ALL politicians...;)

Naomi Wolf: 'Obama can lock any US citizen up without trial'

The Preamble

SchoolHouse Rock - Where The Money Goes

"Tyrannosaurus Debt" ~ Schoolhouse Rock

Independence Day

Remember that this isn't just "the 4th". Its our Independence Day from a tyrannical overreaching government which taxed the life out of us, and suppressed our freedoms. Wait a sec - basically the exact same thing we have today. What is the difference between King George and King Obama other than the King used to be across the Atlantic, now he's sitting right there in Washington, DC? Maybe we need a new Independence Day, where we declare ourselves free of a constantly growing, incredibly intrusive government, soon to tax the life out of us in cap and trade and suppress our freedoms via socialized healthcare. So in between bites of that steak or burger today,think about how free we are now, how free we were when we were founded, and how you can work to keep us free in the future.

Obama And Honduras

Do you know why they ousted Zelaya? He wanted to declare himself dictator for life and suspend the 4 year rule. I wonder if thats why Obama, Castro and Chavez all agreed that he should go back. Obama probably aspires to be dictator for life as well.

The Michael Jackson Suicides

Just when I think that humanity has moved on and has become more intelligent, we hear about people killing themselves all because a pop star died. The real problem is people looking outside of themselves for salvation. Hell, i'd even prefer people looking to God for salvation compared to Michael Jackson, Oprah or Obama.

Killing Private Health Insurance

Just Google "OHIP denies treatment" and "medical tourism". See the hundreds of treatments that socialized medicine denies, and guess where people go in order to get treatments? Yup...they leave their socialized medicine countries and come to the US for treatment. Wonder why?

Ram The Scam: Opposition To Man-Made Climate Change Growing

The real reason that Obama and his minions want to ram through this huge energy tax increase in the guise of a climate change bill is that real honest dialog about the fact that man-made global warming is a complete fraud is finally stating to surface. There is a huge groundswell of intelligent, non-politicized scientists and climatologists who simply do not believe that it is a FACT. So why are we rushing? Don't you think more thought on a giant expensive bill like that is needed?

Obamacare Infomercial

The Obama/ABC Obamacare Infomercial fudges facts on socialized healthcare. When will we get a real debate on this incredibly important issue? Never, as Obama wants this rammed through asap. At that point there is no going back.

The Obama Show

Obama manipulates the media like never before. And they let him do it. I say - "Grow some balls and do your jobs!"

The Iranian Revolution

The Iranians are revolting against an oppressive regime and Obama wants to watch it all play out? Why is he so soft against the hardliners in Iran? Probably because, as another authoritarian, he can sympathize. what is the real difference between Obama and Khamenei? Degree.

Full John Galt

The only way to see liberty in our lifetime is to infiltrate the GOP and turn it into an ersatz Libertarian Party.

At $11B Per Guantananamo Detainee, I'll Take One!

Palau takes up to 17 of the Gitmo detainees, but not out of the goodness of their heart. We PAID (bribed) them $200B to do it. By my math thats 11 Billion per detainee. Hell, if you are giving away $11B per detainee, I'll take one. I've got room for a human sized cage in my backyard for that price.

$870,000 Per Job Saved

Obama spent $870,000 of our taxpayer money saving each job at Chrysler. This is how government wastes our money. Simply letting Chrysler go into bankruptcy would have still saved the jobs as some other company would have swung in and bought them up. Obama does not want to save the economy, but to control it.

Iranian Elections

Now we'll see who really runs Iran. The Mullahs, right?

A Light Touch? More Like A Sledgehammer

Obama says he wants to take a "light touch" on free markets as he nationalizes businesses left and right. More hypocrisy from our hypocrite in chief.

State-Run Media

Hey guys. Calm down about the ABC doing the gushing review of the Obamacare proposal from the White House. The media have been lovin' Obama and everything he produces since 2004

Al Gore sued by over 30 000 Scientists for Global Warming fraud John Coleman

Jon Voight at the 2009 GOP dinner

Europe Goes Right As America Goes Left

Hey Mr. President. The Old Europe that you want us to emulate is giving up on socialism. Why don't you be more innovative and leapfrog them towards more fiscal responsibility? Nah, let me try some more of those failed solutions of the past. Who knows they might work this time - even though they never worked, ever.

Our Hypocrite In Chief

Ha. Here we go again. Obama says one thing, does another. Pay-As-You-Go yet another example.

Obama Is God

Funny. The "News" doesn't seem much like news. Obama is still championing the failed solutions of the past. He's still a hypocrite, and the media still think he is God. Pretty much same old, same old. Evan Thomas, interviewed by Chris Matthews, say "Obama Is God"

A Tale Of Two Murders

An abortion doctor is murdered, the MSM features the story for 3 days and the White House feels like its needs to comment. A young Private is murdered at a Recruitment office by a converted radical Muslim, and nothing is mentioned. This is America?

Obama Bores The Muslim World Into Submission

Obama, in his first major speech to the Muslim world, completely ends the global war or terror by apologizing to the world for his predecessor launching a War On Islam, (instead of saying "Islam Is Peace"), telling everyone, from the Israelis to the radical Muslims, to the Iranians what to do. In a speech full of "teachable moments" our failed community organizer of a President shows how far we've fallen from a strong military and economic world superpower, to just another third world nation. Reaction so far: just empty words. Where are the deeds to back those words up. When will you bring back all those troops stationed overseas for no good reason? When will you actually pull out of all those countries in the world in which we are meddling with their sovereignty? When will you actually assist the citizens of oppressive states to change their governments for the better? Just words, not deeds.

Invite An Iranian To Your July 4th BBQ

DISCLAIMER: I know some Iranians, they are great people. I'm talking about Obama reaching out to those Iranians who hate us. I don't think those folks would take too kindly to a July 4th BBQ invite...


In another dumb move, Obama suggests that the best way to thaw relations with a country which would rather see you dead as much as look at you would be to invite them to your July 4th BBQ, feed them hot dogs and burgers, surround them with the red, white and blue, and regale them with tales of how wonderful American is. Look, the typical Iranian surely doesn't agree with all the wingnut things their government is doing, just like we don't agree with what OUR government is doing, but I'm not sure that asking radicals who hate your country to join a love fest for that country is the right move. Unless of course you check them for explosives at the door first.

Lets Not Impose American Values

Last I checked, freedom of speech and freedom of religion WERE American ideals

A Teachable Moment

You know, Mr. Obama. We are not all idiots that need to be taught all the time. So keep your "teachable moments" to yourself. What are you anyway, to tell us what to do? Just a failed legal intern and a community organizer with a silver tongue. What makes you think you are smarter than us?

Obama IS Running GM, whatever he says...

When a CEO tells a company what kind of cars to build, where to have their offices, who to hire and what dealerships to leave open and close, that person is running the company. Maybe Obama, not ever actually working in an actual business doesn't really understand what that means.

Government Motors: General Motors Files for Bankruptcy

Logophobia: Afraid of "Hussein"?

When we will allowed to speak freely again?

Sotomayor A Member Of La Raza, A Near Terrorist Organization?

No such thing as "reverse racism", when you treat anyone differently due to the color of their skin, its racist period. And Sonia Sotomayor is a member of La Raza, a near-terrorist organization which wants to take over a number of southerwestern states and give them to Mexico. Obama realizes that he needs to placate the Hispanics for the 2010 and 2012 votes, since Hillary Clinton picked those up over him. So now we will have a admitted racist and seperationist on the Supreme Court. The dismantling of America continues.

Obamas Revenge On Republican Chrysler Dealers

Obama shuts down Chrysler dealers who supported John McCain and the Republican party in the last election. Revenge for not supporting him? I wonder what he'll do with the banks once he owns them.

Obama shuts down Republican Chrysler Dealers: Furor grows over partisan car dealer closings

Korean Nukes

When we look weak, the petty dictators flex their muscles. Like it or not, this never happened under Bush. Why not just be strong against these people? Why appear weak?

Internet "Czar"

Why do we need any "czars" at all? Is it fitting that the term is from pre-revolution Russia? Why do we need fine government control over everything? I bet this guy shuts down a few anti-Obama websites soon after he is in. Discussion and dissent are not allowed anymore.

National 10% Sales Tax

Here it comes, people. Promises of elimination of the income tax in lieu of a sales tax. Thing is they are lying about eliminating the income tax. This is just another tax on top of everything.

Lamb, Alcohol And Tomatoes

...are among the foods that will be taxed heavily or banned under an Obama regime

Gay Marriage Ban

Prop 8 is upheld. What right do we have to tell other people how to live their lives?

The Real Danger is Not Obama Or Oprah

Discussion, disagreement and dissent is the essence of being human. The real danger in America is not messiah figures like Obama and Oprah, is their blind followers.

A Wise Latina

Obama selects a latina - but will she uphold the Constitution?

The Obama-Card—Inexperienced, Unreliable. The Best Liberal Media Can Buy.

Carrots and Sticks...

Eagle and American Flag by Bubbels

Aimee Allen's *Unofficial* Ron Paul Revolution Vid

Nationalized Healthcare...

Everything the Government touches is a DISASTER and now you want to put them in charge of your healthcare??? BIG mistake!!!

The Best PERSON For The Job Would Be Historic

I am so SICK AND TIRED of the word HISTORIC. Calling everything that Barack Hussein Obama HISTORIC is racist. People even think that believing in a color-blind society is racist because it doesn't reset the wrongs of the past. HISTORIC. What ever happened to meritocracy? HISTORIC. The next justice pick will probably be female, watch him try to cram in as many "disadvantaged" groups as possible. HISTORIC. Watch for our next justice to be a female, gay, half-asian, quarter-black, quarter-hispanic, amputee cancer survivor leftist or something like that HISTORIC.Why not just pick the best PERSON for the job? Can't do that, that would be HISTORIC!

Who Is Rich?

Its amazing that the communists, socialists, leftists and Obamabots STILL believe that the rich of today are rich because they stole from others or exploited others. Nowadays, the rich are rich because they provided a product or service that people want to buy. People WILLINGLY gave the "rich" person money for some product or service, or WILLINGLY went to work for that person or business. In business, no one is stolen from and no one is exploited. If an employee felt exploited, then they are free to get a job elsewhere. What right does the government have to steal from these "rich". None.

Year One, A.O.

Obama acts like history began when he ascended to the throne. Like America did not exist prior to January 20th, 2009. So why don't we just call this year 1 AO. As in after Obama? So I was born in 46 BO, and the American Revolution occurred in 232 BO, and Christ was born in 2009 BO. I think you get the picture. Luckily he wears size 12 shoes otherwise we'll be changing the standard measure of a foot!

Capitalism = Evolution

The reason that capitalism works is that CAPITALISM = EVOLUTION. It is completely in line with all of our biological and evolutionary functions. Socialism however, conceptually does not map to evolution the way capitalism does. Socialism cannot survive without capitalism, and the more capitalist the socialist society is, the more successful it is. What does that tell you?

Obama And Israel

Obama treats Benjamin Netanyahu like crap on his White house visit. Obama is no friend to Israel. Are all you Jews and Israel supporters happy that you voted for Obama now? Obama thinks using his silver tongue will really stop Iran from nuking Israel. Yeah, right.

Obama Rations Healthcare

Socialized health care means rationing. It's an INEVITABLE, PROVEN FACT.

Obamas $1300 Car Tax

Our new DinkyCar auto industry will cost us an extra $1300 per vehicle. Welcome to Europe.

Part 1: 05/13/2009 Freedom Watch 14 w/ Napolitano, Ron Paul, Daniel Hannan, Rockwell, Schiff, more

Government Should Stay Out Of The Wombs Of The Nation

Obama calls for a common ground on abortion. There is no common ground. What he CAN do is to step out of the debate. Government does not belong in the discussion AT ALL. Government has no say in the abortion debate. Not one taxpayer dollar should go to pro-life OR pro-choice organizations.

More Nails In The Coffin Of The Auto Industry

Pretty soon, we will all be driving around in "dinkycars"

Obama Is Not A Pragmatist

Is Obama really were a pragmatist then he would allow the free market to turn the economy around. He is simply using this crisis in order to implement his own "failed solutions of the past" aka socialism. When has he EVER extolled the virtues of the free market? When has he ever done anything to allow the free market to solve the problem. The answer is NEVER. He sometimes mentions it, but he never lets it work - and he will never let it work if you ask me.

Dead People Being Stimulated

People who have been dead 30+ years and never contributed to social security are getting stimulus checks. Who knows how many illegal aliens are getting a chunk of our change too. Funny how this is lauded by the press but when Bush did the exact same thing with his $300 stimulus checks, he was laughed at and derided.

There Are Better Solutions Than Socialized Medicine

There are so many more solutions to the health care cost issue than government control. As always, government is ALWAYS the source of the problem, and private enterprise is ALWAYS the source of the solution.

Stimulus = FAIL

The Stimulus Bill is a giant FAIL. Cutting taxes, cutting spending and rolling back government is the only way to stimulate the economy.

Obama Throws Himself Under The Bus?!?!

Obama spends the first 100 days spending us into oblivion, increasing the debt by a huge amount, and now says that that debt is unsustainable?! WTF?..

War On Cheerios

As government runs health care approaches, be prepared to be told what you can and cannot eat, what you can and cannot do for exercise more and more often. Eventually suggestions will turn to orders and we will be waking up to mandatory morning calisthenics and forced to eat only what we are told.

Preparing Us For A Soviet America

Is the mainstream media preparing us for Soviet America? The media, having drunk the Kool-Aid of Obama's "hope and change" in the spirit of downgraded expectations, are they trying to get us used to the idea that we can't have the house we want, the car we want, to run our thermostats at 72 degrees if we want. For example, Dwell magazine has features on GREEN tech, and living in small Soviet Russia style spaces, Wired talks about Obama's energy plan, and Make magazine and their show, Maker Faire, which is an incredible paean to the individualist creator, adopts the language of the collectivist in its Re-Make America theme this year.

Look for yourself, almost all media is trying to promote this idea of making do with what we have, not being ambitious and striving to do better. Americans should live with the highest expectations possible and we should always push hard to meet those goals....AND WE SHOULD NEVER TAKE ANYTHING LESS THAN FIRST PLACE!

There Is Nothing Wrong With America

As the founders envisioned it: There is nothing wrong with America that removing a thousand layers of government won't fix.

I Am A Libertarian

If you a) don't want to tell people what to do b) keep your tax money, you are probably a libertarian and don't even know it.

The GOP Made Its Own Bed

The situation that we are in was not started by Barack Hussein Obama. One of the reasons that the GOP is in the political wasteland is that it strayed from its core principles.

Oprah's KFC Chicken

The Oprah KFC story makes me think that people like her and Obama are not the disease, but simply a symptom of the disease. The disease is our culture change away from self-reliance and personal responsibility and towards letting someone else (aka the nanny state) take care of things for me. Can't we think for ourselves anymore?

How Do You Defeat A "God"?

How can the proponents of free speech and free markets defeat a "god". How can we present someone else to electorate who can take us back to the original ideals of America, when the whole idea is to NOT have a "god-like" dictator running the show?

Queen Michelle's $500 Tennis Shoes

In the grand tradition of King Obama serving $100 a pound steak at his White house parties while over half a million are out of work, Michelle Obama spends over $500 of taxpayer money on tennis shoes. Way to feel our pain, Michelle

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FiveThirtyEight.Com - Democrat Posing As Objective PollWatcher

My my. Here is a surprise. Nate Sliver, supposed objective poll watcher, slams the recount in Minnesota. Have you seen some of the ballots that were supposedly spoiled? Like all of the leftist shrill-bloggers, they SAY that they are objective reporters as they SLAM the conservatives. Objectivity means that you don't slam either side. But I guess objective reporting is simply no longer in fashion. Ever since the media went into the tank for Obama, its become all the rage to present yourself as a non-partisan reporter and "truth teller", while you slam the other side. Has this man ever commented positively on a poll which favored the GOP? If so, I haven't seen it. 

Look, as a libertarian, both sides hate me equally. Which is why I can smell partisanship a mile away. And you stink of it, Mr. Silver.