How Social Programs Crush Cultures

On a previous show, I talked about how socialized medicine will change American culture. I go into a little more detail here. Most other countries in the world how have a large number of social programs crush their citizens with huge income taxes, huge sales taxes, and all sorts of additional costs. The cultures in these countries go from optimistic to pessimistic, when its takes more and more effort to stay in the same place. Whereas before, maybe one salary could support a family, once these programs start taking their toll, and trust me they are much much more expensive when they are "managed" by the state, both parents may need to work or get additional jobs just to make ends meet. It fosters an "every man for himself" attitude where no one helps anyone else. If you go to these countries you'll note how surly most people are. They are struggling to survive every day under the crushing tax burden. That's our future under an expansion of these programs, especially health care, as its the most expensive and intrusive.