FiveThirtyEight.Com - Democrat Posing As Objective PollWatcher

My my. Here is a surprise. Nate Sliver, supposed objective poll watcher, slams the recount in Minnesota. Have you seen some of the ballots that were supposedly spoiled? Like all of the leftist shrill-bloggers, they SAY that they are objective reporters as they SLAM the conservatives. Objectivity means that you don't slam either side. But I guess objective reporting is simply no longer in fashion. Ever since the media went into the tank for Obama, its become all the rage to present yourself as a non-partisan reporter and "truth teller", while you slam the other side. Has this man ever commented positively on a poll which favored the GOP? If so, I haven't seen it. 

Look, as a libertarian, both sides hate me equally. Which is why I can smell partisanship a mile away. And you stink of it, Mr. Silver.


Anonymous said...

Hi. I saw your comment on 538, and I came over here.

I honestly don't understand what you are saying or why you are saying it. I'll try to state my perspective so you can understand where I'm coming from.

I've been reading 538 for a few months now, and Mr. Silver tends to criticize bad polling methodologies. If you've noticed a slant in his analysis of the Presidential election, it may be because polls favoring the GOP (as we neared election day) became increasingly inaccurate due to conservative pollsters desire to see an improvement. The same would have been the case for Dem favoring pollster had we had a different election season.

You are saying that he "slams the recount" in Minnesota? The post on which you commented was actually a defense of the recount. He was slamming the WSJ's misleading editorial on the subject.

Am I missing something here?

For the record, I don't hate Libertarians, but they aren't exempt from being partisan just because they aren't in power.