One of the key tenets of Obama and his administration, well, not just Obama’s, but Bush’s before him, actually, administrations stretching all the way back to FDR and beyond, is the feel that they always need to "Do" something.
Whenever there is some kind of crisis befalling the American people, whether it be the Crash of ‘29, the Great Depression, recessions every few years, high jobless numbers, people losing their homes, people not being able to pay for medical care, the Bobama Depression (our current financial malady), wars overseas, etc etc etc, for some reason, every administration has felt that they needed to take some action. Even though, given a bit more time, we the people probably would have been able to recover on our own.
And each time an administration has taken action, every time that they DO stuff, they enact more and more laws, suppress more and more of our freedom, and extract more and more tax dollars.
In the SOTU address on Tuesday, Obama gave us more of the same. “New laws” was the order of the day. He, and his administration, simply want to continue to layer in new laws, or simply “reform” existing laws (or Redo), but never cut anything.
I say: we are past the Do. We are past the Redo. We need this to be the age of Undo.
We are all familiar with the Undo command in all of our favorite software. Undo basically reverses what you just did. And depending on the software, you can Undo all the way back to the beginning of what you started off with, even back to a blank document.
Think of the Constitution as the starting document. We have since added all sorts of stuff to that, in the form of law after law after law, government department after government department after government department, continuously adding more and more to it.
And Obama said “we don’t want to Undo things, we just want to Redo them” when we argues for “reform”.
Well I say, and the Tea Party, Libertarians and most Conservatives say: No. It’s time to undo. It’s time to undo all of the damage that these layers and layers of laws, regulations and taxes have done to America by undoing all of the laws, regulations and taxes.
Obama says this is “moving backwards”. I say, “is undoing moving backwards, when you are correcting the mistakes you just made?” I don’t think so.
So think undo, not do or redo.