Why Does Obama Need An Internet Kill Switch?

Right now, as we speak, a bill giving the President of the United States the ability to unilaterally shut down the internet, is making its way through Congress. I wonder why they feel that, no matter what the emergency is, that we would ever need to shut down the internet. In fact, the internet is an extremely valuable resource in every emergency that I've ever seen: floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, people have been saved by the internet, Twitter and mobile phones.

So what kind of emergency would require shutting down the internet? Only one. Dissent. In every other country which has the ability to shut down the internet, that is the reason that they shut it down. To quell dissent. And I'll bet that's the exact same reason why they want to shut it down here as well. 

Kind of makes you wonder: what are they expecting to happen?

Egypt Fights For Freedom Part 4 - America & Egypt

Did you know that there is a bill wending its way through Congress which gives our President, currently Barack Hussein Obama, the ability to shut down or "kill" the internet in America, supposedly under dire circumstances. Now I don't know about you, but I can't see any possible reason why the President of the United States, ostensibly the only country on earth where free speech, freedom of religion and freedom of the press is encoded in its highest law, would EVER want to shut down the internet.

The EXACT same thing that Egypt did in order to attempt to quell the revolution. The EXACT same thing China does in order to shut down dissent.

I guess our government isn't that different from those tyrannical regimes after all. I mean, you can define tyranny in a lot of different ways, all the way from killing and torture down to excessive taxation and regulation, can't you.

Egypt Fights For Freedom - Part 3

America has been supporting Egypt's regime for 30 years. It appears to be in our best interest to keep this tyrant in power instead of some other tyrant, when of course the best answer is not to keep any tyrants in power at all. The US has a history, a recent history actually, so maybe it came along with all of the overreaching government power, to support dictators around the world, even if they have terrible human rights records, in order to foster trade with these nations.

Look at China, Egypt, Syria, Somalia: there are a ton of countries where we either actively keep the tyrants in office directly, or support them indirectly by buying their goods and keeping their regimes running. Whatever happened to the Bush "fight against tyranny everywhere", a fight which he talked about but never took to anyone but Saddam Hussein.

So what do we do? We support the people of course. But in the vacuum created by the deposement of this leader, will the possibly even more oppressive Muslim Brotherhood step in? Many pundits are saying thats a bad thing - I think thats a gut reaction. We don't really know what will happen. But if Egypt does not get a freer society and more democracy, it will be all for nothing.

Coming up: how Egypt and America are not that different.

Egypt Fights For Freedom - Part 2

While in Tunisia, there was no organized opposition which was ready to step in, in Egypt there is a serious opposition group, which most times is more of a figurehead. For the least 30 years, Mubarak has "ruled" Egypt. The whole concept of opposition to the regime was window dressing, not a real true force to be reckoned with. Like most minor political parties, like the Green Party here in the US, it had no real chance of victory, since real democratic elections where anyone but Mubarak could not be the victor, could ever occur. However, it is ready to step in, IF there would be a coup. Unfortunately, a regime run by the Muslim Brotherhood, the official opposition, my be even more tyrannical than the current regime. America played it part as well. I'll go into that in Part 3

Egypt Fights For Freedom - Part 1

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Egypt is in the throes of a very interesting time. The initial rumblings of this revolution mapped closely to similar events in Tunisia, where it all began when a street vendor, sick and tired of government intervention is his life - they consistently stole away his ability to provide for himself and his family, set himself on fire to protest. This was followed by another, and eventually, the people rose up in protest to overturn the tyrannical regime there. With luck, they will see freedom and democracy and less tyranny in Tunisia.

The Egyptians riots began in a similar way, the people rose up against a tyrannical regime. The initial impressions from the riots and the rioters was "we want to live in a free country". They wanted, as most do, more freedom, not less. But things don't seem to be going that way.

902 - Egypt & America, Not So Different - Why Does Obama Need An Internet Kill Switch?

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On Today's Show:

  • Egypt & America: not so different. The turmoil in Egypt is very confusing. I try to explain my opinion on what is going on: I think that we have a legitimate reach for freedom here - at least it started out that way. Since then however, instead of the void being filled with freedom and democracy, there may be an even more repressive regime on the way, with a lot of promises of freedom and less government up front, with a strict Islamist bent on the back end. Where is the freedom? Most revolutions are to restore freedom, but where will it come from?

  • A bill is wending tis way through Congress which will give Obama, or any President for that matter, the ability to "kill" the internet. In the exact same way the internet was "killed" in Egypt, and how it was previously killed in China. Why would the President of the country where freedom of speech, religion and the press are enshrined in the highest law of the land, require an internet kill switch?

The Pay-Per-View President: Hawaii to Charge $100 to View Obama's Birth Certificate

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Get this. Hawaii is thinking about passing a new law to once and for all  shut up those pesky birthers - you know, those people who believe that Obama is not an American citizen because he has not release and does not allow for the release of his original birth certificate?

I guess you could count me as one of those: I fully believe, until I see incontrovertible proof reported that it is real, that he is not a citizen of the United States. However, unlike other birthers, I don't really care if he is or not, in fact I think we should open up the presidency to naturalized citizens as well. In some cases those naturlized citizens, like me, can really appreciate how great America is compared to other countries, since I lived elsewhere.

Anyways, they are planning to charge $100 per viewing. I guess this will be the first Pay-Per-View presidency ;)

Obama Will Not Re-fight Battle Over ObamaCare

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If its true that Obama will not refight battle over ObamaCare does that mean that we have already won? Hardly.

What is means is that those of us opposed to this bill have a fight on our hands. And I'm sure that he will use whatever tactics he has at his disposal in order to keep this bill in place. If this law is so awesome, then why has he already granted over 700 waivers to the law, to companies and unions across the board? In the end, it will just be the individual taxpayer and small business who will be slammed for this law.

Socialized healthcare, in any way shape or form, has been proven more expensive and of less quality in EVERY other country in which it has been tried. What we need is a complete free market solution: the only thing that is proven to work. That requires nothing less than a full repeal of this law.

Freedom On The March In Egypt

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"It's time for this government to change," said Amal Ahmed, a 22-year-old protester. "I want a better future for me and my family when I get married."

I think that just about sums it up. Egyptians are clamoring to overthrow a regime which has been far to oppressive, far too long. The protests indicate to me at least that this is a country where free speech is under siege, freedom itself is in short supply. This is the tendency of the human race - to move from less fee countries to more free countries, and if thats not possible, eventually move to free up their own country. Freedom to speak should be a basic human right, available to all of humanity,m and anything we can do to help a peaceful transition from this closed, tyrannical regime to a more open society, we should support in the fullest.

Freedom Bunker Mission

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Here's the new mission statement of the Freedom Bunker:

Promoting practical libertarian principles driving free speech, free markets and limited government & exposing your inner libertarian

Free speech and free markets are under siege by both parties, systematically eroding our freedoms, taking money out of our pockets and ever expanding the size of government. My mission is to help spread the message of free speech, free markets and limited government, helping you the unearth your inner libertarian. Unlike other libertarian blogs and podcasts who envision some amazing utopian future libertarian state, I try to emphasize practical ways in which to expand our freedoms, right now, where we live today. Together, we can take our country back to its founding principles oflife, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We the people need to drive this country back to those principles, via the Tea Party, Ron Paul, and  libertarians everywhere, all of whom I wholeheartedly support.

As I mentioned right after Obama's last State Of The Union address, where he said "We can't win the future with a government of the past" - I disagree. I think the only way we can win the future IS with a government the size and scope of American governments of the past, a government that does the minimum it needs to do, and stays out of our way. A government that WE run, not one that runs us.

And thats my mission with this show, this blog, and my forthcoming books. Please join me.

Egypt Explodes: Internet Vs. Tyranny

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Watching the riots and unrest in Egypt, I note that the first thing to go when revolutions begin is free speech, although I suspect that there wasn't much free speech to begin with in Egypt. The internet, specifically access to Twitter and Facebook was shut down in Egypt, prior to and during the current crisis. The reality is that the internet is probably the most dangerous weapon against tyranny the world has ever known, and these governments know that. This is why the internet is so restricted in China. My personal belief is that we won't see an end to tyranny in this world until the ability for every human to freely communicate with every other human over the internet is realized. The internet, not other governments, will eventually destroy tyranny in the end.

Entering The Age Of “Undo”

undo-buttonOne of the key tenets of Obama and his administration, well, not just Obama’s, but Bush’s before him, actually, administrations stretching all the way back to FDR and beyond, is the feel that they always need to "Do" something.

Whenever there is some kind of crisis befalling the American people, whether it be the Crash of ‘29, the Great Depression, recessions every few years, high jobless numbers, people losing their homes, people not being able to pay for medical care, the Bobama Depression (our current financial malady), wars overseas, etc etc etc, for some reason, every administration has felt that they needed to take some action. Even though, given a bit more time, we the people probably would have been able to recover on our own.

And each time an administration has taken action, every time that they DO stuff, they enact more and more laws, suppress more and more of our freedom, and extract more and more tax dollars.

In the SOTU address on Tuesday, Obama gave us more of the same. “New laws” was the order of the day. He, and his administration, simply want to continue to layer in new laws, or simply “reform” existing laws (or Redo), but never cut anything.

I say: we are past the Do. We are past the Redo. We need this to be the age of Undo.

We are all familiar with the Undo command in all of our favorite software. Undo basically reverses what you just did. And depending on the software, you can Undo all the way back to the beginning of what you started off with, even back to a blank document.

Think of the Constitution as the starting document. We have since added all sorts of stuff to that, in the form of law after law after law, government department after government department after government department, continuously adding more and more to it.

And Obama said “we don’t want to Undo things, we just want to Redo them” when we argues for “reform”.

Well I say, and the Tea Party, Libertarians and most Conservatives say: No. It’s time to undo. It’s time to undo all of the damage that these layers and layers of laws, regulations and taxes have done to America by undoing all of the laws, regulations and taxes.

Obama says this is “moving backwards”. I say, “is undoing moving backwards, when you are correcting the mistakes you just made?” I don’t think so.

So think undo, not do or redo.

901 - Obama Turns Right? Dont Believe It! - A-Holes For Freedom?

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On Today's Show:

  • Obama Turns Right? Don't Believe It

  • Do we need to become A-holes in order to restore our country

  • Internet get rich quick schemes

SOTU Response Part 6: Education: Take It Down, Start Again


The educational system is beyond broken in this country, and for some reason, liberals and democrats think that if we take a system that’s broken down, and just feed it more money, then eventually it will hit some kind of magic tipping point and everything will work.

That’s akin to taking a car with  sputtering engine, old oil, clogged air filters, bad sparkplugs, and filling up the gas tank. It won’t make any difference, but that’s what they do – they figure that once we hit the “right” amount of funding, everything will magically work. Well, you and I know that won’t happen.

We need to basically get the government out of the education business. We need to sell off all of the assets and return them to private companies. We need to take all of that money that we have stolen from parents and taxpayers everywhere and return it to them, so that those parents can pay for their kids education themselves.

There is nothing in the Constitution which states that the state needs to provide a level of public/free education. That was started way after our founding, by an administration who was alarmed by the level of basic education of the children. Nowadays, keeping the children in these schools is more dangerous than home schooling. I saw blow the system up, let the real stakeholders: the student, the parents and the teachers call the shots, NOT the government and the unions, who have been running things into the ground.

One more thing: Obama connects innovation to education, as in the more education you have, the more chance you will innovate. That’s hogwash. There is no connection between innovation, education and success. You can be a college dropout and be incredibly successful, or a Ivy League student and be broke and a failure. Look at Bill Gates, for one example.

This is Part 6 of my 6 Part Response to Obama's State of the Union Address. Read the other parts here: 123456

SOTU Response Part 5: Illegal Immigration AKA Criminal Aliens


Obama, in the state of the union, continues to beat the drum of the DREAM act, granting thousands of illegal immigrants, or as I like to call them, criminal aliens, full on citizenship.

I don’t care how someone came to this country, or how bright you are. If you break the law, you are a criminal, plain and simple.

Once again, the government attempts to deal with a symptom, instead of dealing with the hard problem: that it is WAY too difficult to emigrate here legally. The entire legal immigration system needs a complete overhaul. In this day and age, we should be able to grant, at least a temporary citizenship, right at the border crossing or airport. We should be able to do background checks on the spot, and we should make it really easy for people to emigrate legally into this country.

This country was built by immigrants. Legal immigrants. It has never been so difficult to come here legally, which is one of the reasons why so many come here illegally.

Fix the system: make it easier for people to come here legally, then send everyone back through this new system. I didn’t hear one peep on that from the SOTU, but I did hear all sorts of rewards for those who break the law.

Hmm. Rewarding criminals and penalizing the innocent. Doesn’t seem like America to me.

This is Part 5 of my 6 Part Response to Obama's State of the Union Address. Read the other parts here: 123456

900 - My Full SOTU Response - Undo, Not Do or Redo

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On Today's Show:

Listen Now:

SOTU Response Part 4: Government Of The Past


Obama made one interesting quote that I did want to mention:
We shouldn’t just give our people a government that’s more affordable. We should give them a government that’s more competent and efficient. We cannot win the future with a government of the past

Affordable? Yes, I can agree that we need government to be more affordable. The new “pocket-size” government that I’ve been mentioning on my podcast comes to mind.

Competent? Hardly. I can’t think of one thing that any government can do more competently than private industry can. Not one thing. Competence, as far as I’m concerned, is completely impossible from government. There is no such thing as competency in government, this is a pipe dream.

Efficient? What does that mean, exactly? That it can more effectively separate us from our hard earned money? That it does an even better job of suppressing free speech and free markets. Is Obama’s ideas of a more efficient government one that does its job of holding back the progress of the American people even more than this one can?

Past? And interesting thought. Obama’s policies are the “failed policies of the past”, but not the failed policies of OUR past governments, but the failed policies of other socialist regimes, like Greece, Ireland, Spain, Russia, etc. The “government of the past”, at least the American “government of the past” is a much, much smaller entity, far less invasive to our lives and pocketbooks, than the government of Obama’s supposed future.

I for one would love to live under an American “government of the past”, if that government were the same kind of government our founding fathers created.

This is Part 4 of my 6 Part Response to Obama's State of the Union Address. Read the other parts here: 123456

SOTU Response Part 3: The “Liar” Moments

I noticed at least 2 moments when someone in Congress should have shouted “LIAR” loud and clear. The first one was when he said:
We are not just handing out money.

Of course they are handing out money! They have been handing out money since practically the day he came into office. Except for a quick Exec order sealing all of his records so we couldn’t know anything about him, all he has ever done is spend, spend, spend.

The second “LIAR” moment came later, when he said on education
..instead of just pouring money into a system that’s not working…

That is literally exactly what he has been doing. It is a central tenet of the statist that the only solution for a broken system is MORE money. Instead of tearing down the system which is not working, they pump more money into it, in some blind insane hope that MAYBE the funding will reach some magic tipping point and suddenly this broken system will start up again. It’s like putting more fuel into a wrecked engine: no matter how much more fuel you put in, it won’t magically start working: the thing needs an overhaul.

Those are the only two blatant “LIAR” moments I could find. I’m sure there’s more…

This is Part 3 of my 6 Part Response to Obama's State of the Union Address. Read the other parts here: 123456

SOTU Response Part 2: America Best Place To Do Business

This one is pretty galling. He says “We have to make America the best place on earth to do business”. Well, duh We WERE the best place on earth to do business, until your anti-business, high tax, high regulation attitude forced companies to locate overseas. We are not the best place to do business because of HIS actions.

He talks about fostering innovation, “investing” in innovation. The government does not need to spend any of our money on this: there are plenty of private businesses which would love to be able to spend money on fostering and bringing innovation to market. There are literally thousands of entrepreneurs who would LOVE to start businesses right now, to think of new and innovative ways to to things, the create new products and services. But who can create a new business in this environment of fear? He has literally come out against business so many times, how can he legitimately come out now and say that he supports it.

No savvy entrepreneur is going to create a new business in an environment where the government can step in at a moments notice and destroy it. That would be insanity. And expecting this tiger to change his stripes after more that 2 years of anti-business rhetoric is likely insane too.

This is Part 2 of my 6 Part Response to Obama's State of the Union Address. Read the other parts here: 123456

SOTU Response Part 1: Reduce, Not Replace

Just finished reading the text of the SOTU. I could only stand to listen to a few minutes of it, plus I had much better things to do. I noticed a lot of talk about “reform”, but no talk about “reduce” at all.

There is no way we can continue the way we are going without severe reductions in the amount of spending of our money by this administration. It’s a non-starter. So any talk of reform, literally means nothing.

He talked about smaller government being effective. About restoring trust in the institutions of government. I think that the founders specifically did not trust in the institutions of government: a distrust for authority runs deep in the heart of most Americans. Unlike Obama and his ilk, there is no trust in government TO restore, we never had it and maybe we never should have. And why should government be “effective”? If you ask me, it is we the people who need to be effective. An effective government sounds like an activist government, and we definitely don’t need more of that.

He talked about “new laws will only be passed with support from Democrats and Republicans”: I say, why do we need any new laws at all? See the mindset here? New laws, new laws, new laws. He can’t even conceive of an America of less laws.

This is Part 1 of my 6 Part Response to Obama's State of the Union Address. Read the other parts here: 123456

SOTU Preview Part 2–Stepping Up Our Game

basketballObama will probably talk a lot about competition. How we have to step up our game in order to compete against other countries. This is like a coach just yelling at you to do better instead of giving you the tools, techniques and guidance to help you do better. He’s taking away our padding and yelling as us to get onto the field.

How can we “do better” when everything he does hobbles us at every turn? Simple. He has this sense that the only reason that the economy hasn’t done better and things haven’t turned around is that WE haven’t tried hard enough. That WE haven’t stepped up our game in order to defeat the negativity.

He has no clue that the reason why we can’t defeat this negativity is that he has actively done everything in his power to make things worse for the business community. He has done nothing to support us, and actively drags us down at every turn. And then he expects us to turn around and “do better”. For some odd reason, I think he thinks that nothing the government does really affects how the economy works, and that’s just idiotic.

Like an abusive spouse who simply thinks that shouting their message even louder will drive the more submissive spouse “back in line” – Obama tries to strongarm us to “out-do” other countries, while at the same time enacting policies to keep us from doing it.

Too bad he doesn’t realize that we are the ones in control. Release us, and we will soar, chain us down and we will flounder. It’s up to us to throw off HIS chains.

SOTU Preview Part 1–“Investment”, A Weasel Word For Spending

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More than likely, you will hear the words “invest” and “investment” a lot in today’s State Of The Union speech. It’s the same weasel word that Bill Clinton came up with back during his term to describe “spending” – as in government spending of the money it stole from us.

Don’t be fooled. The government never “invests” in anything. They don’t know how to invest. All they know is redistribution. Investment indicates putting your money into something expecting a return. The government does not care if it gets a return, since its not really their money that they are investing.

And a real investor expects a monetary return, whereas this government expects a societal return. Instead of actually “investing” most of the stimulus bill with small businesses, who could conceivably kickstart this economy, most of the money went to old, failing businesses which SHOULD have failed. Mostly Obama and Democrat cronies who helped propel him into office.

So when you hear him say “invest” think “spend”. It is unfettered, insane government spending which got us here in the first place. Everyone know that doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is one of the definitions of insanity, so how exactly is more spending going to solve anything? It’s not.

899 - SOTU - Obama Hates The Crowd - Rahm Out

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On Today's Show:

  • Let's see if Obama tries to compromise, or stick to his abusive guns

  • The rebuttal will be done by Rep. Paul Ryan, who promises huge spending cuts. Let's hope thats what we get

  • Obama and his ilk hate the crowd, hate the American people. They figure that they are largely stupid and don't really know whats best for them, so they ignore the people and just inflict their failed policies of the past back onto us.

  • Quick Hits: Rahm is kicked out of Chicago mayors race, huge terrorist attack in Russia, and we need to stoop to their level in order to fight them, otherwise we all lose.

Listen Now:

Back To The Freedom Bunker

bunkerActually, I never left. Since Obama won in 2008, I’ve been broadcasting from the bunker. As long as he is in power, actually, as long as either party has control over the people, instead of the other way around, free speech and free markets will always be under siege.

I saw a glimmer of hope when the Republicans came back in November. At that time, it seemed that we had beaten back the tide of big government. And as time went by, when the lame duck Congress came back, they re-doubled their efforts to expand government, and we fought them back – but being in the majority, we did not succeed.

Now that the new Congress is sitting, a few good things have happened, such as the ObamaCare repeal, even though the press seems to want to call it largely symbolic, who knows, maybe in a moment of lucidity, will pass the Senate and Obama won’t veto, but I highly doubt that. And now the Republicans are starting to talk about “replacing” ObamaCare, which in my book, is a definite NO!.

Seems like they haven’t learned much. There is one reality that this and every government must grasp: it is We The People who are in charge, and it is We The People who can turn things around. And the moment the government steps out of our way and lets We The People run things again, only then will we be saved.

That doesn’t seem to be happening. Anytime you hear these politician say that they want to replace one government program with another: run, run far away.

We don’t need replacement programs. We need NO programs.

So I’m going back to my old show title and blog. I told myself when I descended into the Freedom Bunker, that it would only be temporary, and that at some point, America would come to its senses. Let’s make sure that happens.

Murderers And Pacifists

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Cue Twilight Zone theme:

Imagine if you will, a small room.

In this small room you place 9 pacifists, who have sworn to never use violence to solve any problems.

Into this room, you place 1 murderer, one who has absolutely no qualms about killing anyone, anytime, anywhere, with anything. A pathological killer, who emotionally feasts on the suffering and pain of others.

Who will come out alive?

This is the state of the world, and terrorism today. We are the pacifists and the terrorists are the murderers.

If the pacifists refuse to use violence to subdue the murderer, then only one will come out alive: the murderer. If the pacifists decide that their self-preservation is more important, and use violence to subdue or kill the murderer, then the 9 pacifists will come out alive.

Even though we abhor violence, in some cases you must fight, and fight at the same level, or even below that level, in order to subdue the violent. There is really no choice in the matter: it is the way of the world: kill or be killed.

Some believe that the human race has evolved beyond that kind of mentality. I don’t think we’ve really changed all that much. We are still a bunch of warring tribes.

But some of us at least attempt to settle our differences without violence, violence is the last resort, as opposed to the first.

898 - Death Panels - Repeal - Deep Cuts Essential

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On Today's Show:

  • Death panels are essential for all forms of socialized healthcare

  • The repeal passes, lets see how far we can get what the mainstream media call LARGELY SYMBOLIC law killed

  • GOP unveils $2.5T in cuts. Still not enough. We need to sell off public everything.

Does America Need A Heart Attack Moment?

fatsmokerMost people with terrible habits, like smoking, eating too much, drinking too much, usually have a tough time kicking that habit. For example, imagine an overweight smoker, who goes to the doctor for a checkup, year after year, gets told over and over again to lose weight and stop smoking, otherwise they will die. However, year after year, they continue in the same pattern, and get told the same thing, year after year. They never change.

But then, some major cataclysmic event hits their life: a good friend dies suddenly, or they have a heart attack and survive. This major event is a wake up call, and all of a sudden they are motivated to change. They go on a diet, lose weight, stop smoking, exercise, suddenly, after this heart attack moment, they realize they need to drastically change, in the same way that their doctor had been telling them to change for the longest time.

But they absolutely needed that heart attack moment in order to change. Without that heart attack moment, they would have just continued doing what they were doing until they DID die of a heart attack one day, probably much sooner that expected.

So this is America. We are fiscally overweight, can barely walk, are finding it difficult to do things, and we can’t cut our addiction to spending. We’ve been told over and over what we need to do in order to get healthy, but year after year, we don’t do it.

Sometimes I think that elections are heart attack moments for this country, but most of the time we are switching out one boss for another boss, who is the same as the old boss. 9/11 was a heart attack moment for America, and we changed the way we do security and since then we’ve had no major incidents.

So my question is: can we change fiscally unless we have a fiscal heart attack moment? And what kind of heart attack moment could happen in order for us to change fiscally, at least enough so that we can survive. Some could argue that we’ve already had our heart attack moment, but if you ask me, unless it shakes almost all Americans down to their very core, like 9/11 did, then I don’t see much fiscal change in future.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not wishing for some financial calamity, but I’m increasingly thinking that without one, we’ll be just like that overweight patient: constantly being told to do something, and never doing it, until we die of a massive heart attack.

The Liberal Democrat Schoolgirl Crush On China

schoolgirlIf you’ve listened to my show for any length of time, you’ve probably heard my rantings on China, and the Democrats strange love for China.

I first noticed it when Hillary Diane Clinton came to the forefront as a possible Democratic presidential candidate. Back then, she used to talk effusively about how wonderful China was, and totally glossed over all of the murdering, torturing, and jailing of people who simply wanted to speak out, mostly in peaceful protest, against an all encompassing, all powerful, tyrannical state.

For some reason, Democrats seem to have this, oh I don’t know how to describe it other than a “schoolgirl crush” for China. I mean, usually a schoolgirl crush connotes this total subservience, complete longing, they can do no wrong attitude towards someone, forgetting all their faults and issues, even if they are major ones. Like women who fall for the “bad boy”, the Democrats would love to kiss China full on the lips if they could.

But I digress. I think the reason that they love China so much is that China, to them, is almost a perfect country: they would absolutely love us to be a lot more like them. They love that China is an economic engine, they love that China’s elites make tons of money, they love that the rest of the country lives in terrible poverty (they don’t care about those people) and one of the things that they love most of all is the state’s amazing ability to curb free speech. I think of all of the traits China has right now, the ability to suppress speech that criticizes the government is the thing that they are most passionate about bringing to America.

Of course, I have no idea how they reconcile their love for social freedoms which so much suppression, but I guess it the same kind of attitude that allows democrat women who are all for women’s rights, to support Islamic fundamentalists. Liberals can live with these kinds of dichotomies, but we can’t.

So just watch out: the Democrats love China so much that they would love to duplicate “China’s Success” here, even if it means the elites win and the rest of us live in grinding poverty. They don’t care much for “flyover country” anyways, do they?

“We Welcome China’s Rise”

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="163" caption="Welcoming China's Rise"]chinarise[/caption]

There goes Barack Hussein Obama again, using the royal we. I don’t thin he means the American people when he says we: he’s probably just referring to his cronies and the Democrats. I think as of the last poll, more then 65% of Americans actually DON’T welcome China’s rise.

But I digress. The first thing that popped into my head when I heard him say that was a reference to the Simpsons. There was one episode where Homer goes into the space program and once in orbit, proceeds to open a bag of potato chips, which of course float all around the cabin. So he unstraps himself and floats around the cabin, munching on potato chips (all to musical accompaniment similar to 2001: A Space Odyssey). Of course, being Homer, these actions usually have negative consequences and he crashes into the ant farm, sending ants flying everywhere.

Of course, this is the moment Earth decides to dial in and all they see in a giant ant who happened to land on one of the camera lenses sending the signal back to Earth. This is followed by a news report: Kent Brockman first reports that giant ants are coming to take over, then the placard behind him switches to say “Hail Ants” and he says:
“I, for one, welcome our new overlords”

I wonder if Obama realizes that most Americans don’t welcome anyone as our new overlords, and are trying their hardest to keep America in its place as exceptional.  But we all know that Obama doesn’t believe in American exceptionalism. Which is why he presents such a weak and submissive attitude towards these tyrants.

Perhaps no one has detailed the crimes against humanity that the Chinese government has perpetrated against the Chinese people to him. By last count, 73 million have been killed since the Communists took over: free speech is suppressed, and most of China is grindingly poor, at the elites gain.Yet still, Obama bows deep.

We need a new President, pronto. One that won’t bow to anyone.

897 - Democrats Idolize China - ObamaCare Must Be Repealed - No Compromise

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On Today's Show:

  • They really do roll out the red carpet for Hu. I tell you, Obama and all liberal Democrats love China. They wish we were more like that: rich elites who run everything, the rest of the country grindingly poor, and little to no free speech. Say anything against the current regime and be shackled and tortured.

  • The ObamaCare bill is up for repeal. We cannot compromise on this. It needs to go - and not be replaced with anything.

896 - Racism Day - Who Will Cut? - Hu In Town

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On Today's Show:

  • Every year, the left forgets everything about Martin Luther King Jr except for his skin color and we get all sorts of crap from people like Chris Matthews "Old white people hate Obama because he's black" and not because of his expansion of government plans

  • The new crop of Congressmen SAY they will cut, but we've heard that from GOP congressmen and Presidents before. Why is this time any different?

  • And the top dog of China, Hu is in town. Obama rolls out the red carpet, bows to him, and the love in begins. All these Democrats LOVE China. They'd love us to be more like China, where the elites grind down the rest of us, make a tons of money, and suppress speech that they don't like.

895 - Obama's Memorial $1B Campaign Kickoff

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On Today's Show:

  • Disgusting. Obama uses the Tucson memorial service speech in order to launch his 2012 re-election campaign. He gives out t-shirts to the crowd, with his logo in his typeface. All thats missing were the balloons falling at the end to make this a campaign rally

  • Free speech is dying in this country. The current administration and nearly all of the mainstream media is complicit. They want to shut down all speech which does not toe the line. See You Can't Say Anything Anymore

  • Someone calls me with a survey on city services. So easy to answer these things as a libertarian: just apply the less taxes/less government filter on everything and you got your answer

  • Think about the word "public" for a second. Everything labelled "public" was built and is maintained by money stolen from you. Whenever you hear that word, you should flee.

  • Where can I go to whistleblow on the government?

894 - Blood Libel Everywhere - Rocketman

On Today's Show:

  • More on the shootings: Palin weighs in

  • Progressives insert her into the dialog, then complain that she inserts herself in order to gain media attention. Its like they take one position, argue for it vehemently, then take the immediate opposite position, with no memory of ever having the original position. They will say and do anything to take their enemies down

  • And Rocketman: I discover that yes you can still fire off rockets.

Media Hysteria « John Stossel

Once again: John Stossel is spot on. This guy deserves much more fame and credit than Limbaugh or Beck:


But we don’t have “chaos.” America is safer than ever.  Crime is down.  Political assassinations are rare.  They were once much more common.  Presidents Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy were murdered.  So were Senators James Hinds, Huey Long, Robert Kennedy and Rep. Ryan Leo. The shooting of Congresswoman Giffords was the first such incident in more than thirty years.  There is little that can be done to stop a crazy person from committing a crazy act.

Bill is right to complain about the hysteria from the left.  Jane Fonda said “Palin holds responsibility.”

Michael Daly of NY Daily News said,  “Gabrielle Giffords' blood is on Sarah Palin's hands.”   This is nonsense.

via Media Hysteria « John Stossel.

893 - Progressives Fall Over Themselves Blaming

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On Today's Show:

  • The progressives waste no time in jumping on this tragedy and using it for political ends

  • First "Crazy" Paul Krugman, immediately, despite the lack of any information, fantasizes about how Sarah Palin and the Tea Party caused the shooter to go off the deep end

  • Then, we have prominent Democrats expounding on how great an opportunity this is for Obama to reconnect with people, the same way Bill Clinton did after the Oklahoma City bombing. I mean, do these people know that everyone can hear what they are saying?

  • Rush comes out and says that Democrats use tragedy to further their agenda: uh yeah, they have been doing that forever, and news flash: its not just Democrats. Look at Bush, 9/1, the Patriot Act, and the two wars we are trying to get out of right now.

  • Turns out: he is a leftist. Maybe the reason all these progressives are jumping on the "blame the right" bandwagon so quickly is that they are trying to brand this guy a right wing nut job BEFORE the truth actually comes out.

  • Plus: death panels are a reality, ObamaCare in in the end will help no one.

892 – Arizona Shooter – Blaming Sarah Palin & The Tea Party

[caption id="attachment_2658" align="alignright" width="240" caption="People Kill"][/caption]

On Today's Show:

  • Once again, politicians use a horrible act of a crazy person to attempt to slap more controls on our freedom and blame on every conservative from Sarah Palin to the Tea Party. I'm tired of politicians using these tragedies to further their own political agenda.

  • Gun don't kill people - people kill people

  • No one but the man who pulled the trigger is to blame. No one can say that someone was driven to it, other the the one who did it.

891 - The Great Digression - Melting Democrats

[caption id="attachment_2652" align="alignright" width="180" caption="The Great Digression"][/caption]

On Today's Show:

Getting tired of talking about politics day in and day out. So I talk about computers - installing Windows Vista is just such a huge pain. If you've ever tried to upgrade a computer, it just seems like it takes forever to do anything. Am about this close to punting the whole thing to the curb.

I talk about DEVO, Hot Tub Time Machine, Perfect Push-ups, kettlebells.

I mean, talking about politics is serious. America is like a patient on her deathbed, and we are all here trying to revive her, all the while the Obama admin is trying to kill her.

A bit on Jerry Brown, the Pope of California, building a fence to keep the taxpayers in. Some on the seperatists out here who'd like to see California, Oregon, Washington State and British Columbia and split it off of the US and Canada, and create a whole new country called Pacifica. Although you can say we are pretty much on our own already.

And as the Constitution was read out loud yesterday, many Democrats, like the wicked witch with a bucket of water thrown over them, melted into puddles. Ah but we can only hope....

The Constitution IS Our Sacred Text

If you ask me, the Constitution IS our scared text, and should be read and treated as such. When I went through the Naturalization process in order to become an American citizen, I probably learned more about the "supreme law of the land" (the Constitution) than most Americans do in school. At least new legal immigrants understand what makes America great.

From the Washington Post:
For more than 200 years, Americans have revered the Constitution as the law of the land, but the GOP and tea party heralding of the document in recent months - and the planned recitation on the House floor Thursday - have caused some Democrats to worry that the charter is being misconstrued as the immutable word of God.

"They are reading it like a sacred text," said Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), the outgoing chairman of the House Judiciary subcommittee on the Constitution, civil rights and civil liberties, who has studied and memorized the Constitution with talmudic intensity.

via Reading between Constitution's lines.

890 - Reading The Constitution - Is It Too Late Already?

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On Today's Show:

  • Reading The Constitution Historic: why do we have to read it - its sad that we don't already know and understand the constitution

  • Is the Constitution too old to understand? What about the Bible, The Koran?

  • Is just reading the Constitution going to make a difference? I mean we need to compare every bill against it.

You Deserve Every Penny You Earn

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Where did anyone get the idea that the reason we work is to put money in other peoples pockets. We work to support ourselves and our families. We start businesses so that we can be successful and make enough money to survive and thrive. We deserve every penny that we make.

Work is an exchange of time for money. Period. It's a contract between parties, an agreement that entity A will give up some of their time and perform a task for entity B, and in return, A will receive compensation. Both A and B agreed before any work was completed what the task was (sometimes it’s specific and sometimes its general) and what the compensation will be.

This goes for the lowest paid burger flipper at a fast food chain, all the way up to the executive in the corner office. In an ideal world, without the states intervention, everyone gets every penny they agree to, when the job is done. A does something for B, B pays A for this thing.

When the state steps in and steals money from A and B (they usually steal money from both, but when they steal from A, then A has less money to buy things in order to provide profits for B, and B has less money to pay A, so no one wins) then gives the money to C, D and E, who did not agree to or participate in either the work done or the money made, then C, D and E have no incentive to work. A and B are both forced to support C, D and E.

Eventually, we run out of letters of the alphabet that want the entitlement, and A wont have enough left over to survive, and B won’t have enough money to survive either. So everyone suffers.

Except of course for the state, who skims a little off the top for “operations”. No one but the state wins: we the people always lose.

The only solution? Stop the state from stealing, then get rid of as much of it as you can.

Hybrid Cars Are Just Symbols

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="244" caption="Hybrid Cars Are Just Symbols"]tinycar[/caption]

The next time you see a Prius or any hybrid, understand that really, in the end, they are no more than simply a giant AIDS ribbon. They are symbolic, but don’t really do anything helpful. It’s been proven that none of what these cars promises is true:

  1. The amount of fuel that is saved is about as much fuel that is used by smaller cars. Toting that massive battery around requires more fuel

  2. The cost of running a hybrid over its whole lifespan is much much more than any other gas powered car

  3. The materials which go into the creation and eventual destruction of the car are much more toxic to the environment than a typical car

If you really want to save money, fuel and the environment, think about what you are trying to transport from point A to point B.

  • If it is one person, a scooter or motorcycle is a much better option. They use hardly any fuel, have incredible mileage, emit very little carbon dioxide, and are cheaper than cars.

  • If you need to transport more than one person, buy the smallest car you can find, and make sure that it’s a manual transmission. One of the best kept secrets of fuel efficiency is having a manual transmission. Can’t drive one? Learn.

If you really care about this then lobby the government to reduce and repeal all of the regulation which makes cars so big and expensive: do we really need all of those emission standards and safety features in really small cars? I say, lets open things up to more innovation and experimentation. Do we really need a two ton tank to transport one person 50 miles back and forth to work on clear roads each day? I don’t think so.

In Europe and Asia, there are plenty of cheap (and cheap to run) tiny cars, which emit hardly any gases. Why can’t we have those here? Government rules and regulations. If you really cared about the environment, you’d lobby to let us have those cars here.

889 - America Is Foundation - Minimum Effective Government

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On Today's Show:

  • Another ramble fest including

    • America is foundation

    • Redistribution is nowhere in our founding

    • Taxes/Compromises

    • Forcing a culture shift towards a more authoritarian culture

    • Obama uses the fakery of global warming to force this cultural change

    • Incandescent bulb bans

    • Every reason for having a hybrid electric is completely wrong. A Prius is simply a symbol: it has nothing to do with actually saving money, fuel or the environment

    • Minimum Effective Government

31,000 New State Laws

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="152" caption="Govern Least"]thomaspaine[/caption]

Sobering thought: despite the fact that we are pushing back hard against big government, we still have a long way to go. If the Federal government isn’t bad enough, we also have to deal with all other levels of government, state and local. And as of January 1st, 2011, there are 31,000 new laws which take effect at the state level.

I don’t know about you but this doesn’t smell like less government to me. Sure, the Feds are the biggest offenders, and its easy to look at the Constitution and say:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people” (Tenth Amendment in the Bill of Rights)

And justify our pressure against the expansion of the Federal government. But what happens if the state governments simply take up the cause? We can and should focus on what the Federal government is doing, but our jobs just not done there. We’ve got to take it all the way down the line: from the bottom up, by local action, dissolving programs that are wasteful and we don’t need, or privatizing them as quickly as possible.

We need to work hard, at all levels, to reduce the size and scope of government. This is not a single generation’s worth of work either. Remember to teach your kids as well, that:
"That government is best which governs least." Thomas Paine

Keep Moving Forward AKA Don’t Impeach Obama

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="218" caption="Don't Impeach Obama"]impeachobama[/caption]

My personal motto is something I lifted from a Disney film (crazy eh?). The film, which did pretty well but wasn't a blockbuster by any means, was called Meet The Robinsons. since I’m a sucker for movies about inventors and inventing, this drew me in. The key motto of the company that the principal character founded was “Keep Moving Forward”, which apparently was a contraction of a much longer statement by Walt Disney, way back when.

Anyways, over the last year, we’ve seen some pretty serious damage done to this country, by powerful politicians, promising hope and change, but really just driving us back to more failed policies of the past, namely socialism, communism and fascism. Even though these systems have been proven not to work and are actually anti-ethical to humanity period, in the name of fairness, they all seem to be rehashed every so often.

In November, we pushed back against the radicals, and started to take our country back. Once we did, we get this tendency to punish those who drove us to this, to look back and investigate, charge, and even attempt to impeach those responsible. I say: forget it. Keep moving forward: undo the damage, keep your eyes on where we are going, and not where we’ve been. Pretty soon, all those responsible for this damage will be gone anyways.

888 – Keep Moving Forward

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On Today's Show:

  • My motto: Keep Moving Forward: sure, learn from your mistakes, and the mistakes of others, but don't let it bog you down

  • How many millions has Obama spent on vacations?

  • Time to rapidly step up the repeal, reduction and defunding of government.

  • Over 31000 new laws went into force as of Jan 1st, 2011. That doesn't smell like smaller government to me. And thats just state laws.