The Blog Post Before Christmas

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It was the post before Christmas, and all through the house.....

Nah. Sorry, I'm really bad at rhyming things so I'm not even going to try. Almost as bad as my singing ;)

Just got back from the mall and man, what a difference.

Last year everyone seemed in the doldrums and things were quiet at the mall. People were browsing but not buying. People were pessimistic. They couldn't see things getting any better: all they could see in the future were more taxes, less jobs, more government intervention in their lives.

But then, the people woke up. They saw what was happening, and stood up and protested. They came out in droves, they came out in buses, they came out in cars, they stood in front of capital buildings everywhere and said: No! No! No!

And in November, they did the same in the polling booth.

What a difference it made. We felt that, even a little bit, we gained some control back from this marauding monster of a state. So what happened next?

  • The markets started roaring - they heard the call

  • Businesses started thinking about hiring again

  • Retailers sensed the new optimism in the air

  • People who had been out of work for months and months started landing jobs

And we the people started to see a light at the end of this long dark tunnel again. So what did we do? We shopped, and we shopped, and we shopped, till we couldn't shop any more. And we are still shopping now, on Christmas Eve.

For many, this will be the merriest Christmas they will have seen for a while. So they are out buying presents for the big and the small. They are seeing the light, the future is bright, and only because we said No! No! No!

So when Santa comes tonight, to give us our presents and say Ho! Ho! Ho!, while theres still much to be done, let pat ourselves on the back. We done good, so far.

Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays to everyone...!

Liberals In The Wilderness

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="163" caption="Obama In The Wilderness"]nope[/caption]

My one big hope for next year is that the election of last month was a precursor of what is it come: that we will finally rid ourselves of the scourge of liberalism, socialism, communism, progressives and an overarching state. That we can push these people back to the tiny little percentage they deserve – I’d say maybe around the same percent that thinks Congress was doing a good job – less than ten.

More and more, day after day, I’m seeing it. Unlike James Carville’s prediction that liberals and progressives would rule for the next 40 years, I’m going to predict that, starting with the 112th Congress, that we will see a steady reduction in the numbers of people supporting that side. Even better, how about down to the same market share of people that use Macs: 5%. Would be easy to do: most progressives that I know use Macs anyway. Maybe there some connection between being a Mac user and wanting to be ruled by a dictator? ;)

You see it everywhere: you see it in Ron Paul’s Campaign For Liberty. You see it in the Tea Party movement. You see it on YouTube, where the support for rap groups like the Young Cons, which probably would have been more negative than positive a mere 2 years ago, is now skyrocketing. You see it with the huge numbers for Fox News, and the dismal ratings for every other left leaning news source. You see it with numbers dropping for the Huffington Post and the Daily Kos. More and more people are turning away from the shrill liberal voices trying to take us away from our founders vision, and turning towards that vision.

Has there been any other time in history where the sales of Atlas Shrugged ever been so high? (There have been many multiple attempts to make this movie over the last 50 years, and somehow its finally slated for release on April 15th, 2011) Has there ever been any other time in history where people are reading and re-reading the Constitution? Has there been any other time in history where a majority of Americans have said as much of a resounding NO to big government?

And this is just the beginning. The seeds were planted over the last few years. They sprouted in November. And in the next 40 years, we’ll drive government back to where it should be.

I can tell. I can sense it. A new day is dawning in America, and it’s up to us to keep the light solid and bright.

Obama Takes Over The Internet

virusSo the states mantra, as it has always been, is – if its not broke, create new rules and regulations to break it, then create even more rules and regulations to fix what they just broke.

The FCC will introduce sweeping new regulations, where no sweeping new regulations are required. The internet was doing just fine, except for one small thing: there was a whole heck of a lot of dissent disagreeing with King Obama and his cadre of marauding socialist spenders. So what do we do: regulate it.

The state is like a weed or a virus: it grows and grows and feeds and feeds until there is nothing left. It’s not a symbiotic relationship, as many liberals and progressives like to say that it is (they bandy about the term “public-private partnership” – how can there be a partnership if one of the partners has the force of the law behind them?) it’s like a virus that is so insatiable that it eventually kills its host.

The internet was one of the few places that we have successfully been able to keep the state out of, that one of the reasons it has been growing so quickly, internet based businesses have been one of the few bright spots – and places like Silicon Valley have not seen as harsh a recession as the rest of the country.

But it looks like “state intervention” will soon be joining “death and taxes” as something that we consider inevitable.

Master Of My Destiny – The Young Cons

887 – A Christmas Story – Hope From Santa

[caption id="attachment_2561" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Gift From Santa"][/caption]

On Today's Show:

  • I tell a little Christmas story

  • Maybe our real presents this year will be:

    • Hope - that things will turn

    • Strength - for us to turn things around

    • The End Of Liberalism As We Know It - Hopefully we can drive them back to the pit they came from and keep them there forever

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: Whatever Keeps Them Effective

spartanNormally, I’d say whatever. If you want to be gay, be gay. If you want to marry another man, go ahead. But if revealing the fact that you are gay effects the capability and the cohesion of the unit to do its job, mainly killing the bad guys (some people call that “bringing them to justice”) then that’s a bad idea.

If you ask me, it’s more like a job requirement. You know how some jobs require that you can left 50lbs of weight? Well, this job requires you to stay mum about your sexual orientation. If you don’t like the job, quit. Don’t join. No one is saying “don’t be gay” – they are just saying “don’t mention it” – for the sake of the strength of the unit. If this weakens the unit, then it should not happen.

The warriors of Sparta were the most formidable fighting force of the time. The phalanx required the locking of shields together in a certain way, at a certain height, each man protecting the next. One break, one weak link, and the whole phalanx would collapse.

The unit in the field is the same: the enemy have enough ways to make us weaker, why should we do it to ourselves?

886 - DADT - DREAM - Obama Takes Over The Internet

[caption id="attachment_2540" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Obama Takes Over The Internet"][/caption]

On Today's Show:

  • DADT is repealed. Personally I have no problem with gays, in the military, being married - whatever. However, if it effects the strength of a fighting unit, then this is a bad idea. How would you like it if a prisoner was singled out for extra torture because he was open about being gay?

  • DREAM: is dead. This is a good thing

  • Obama attempts to regulate the internet. A complex issue, but a simple answer: we don't need more government intervention in ANYTHING.  Period.

A Real Christmas Gift From The State: Go On A Diet

Start diet todayAs we thank the Obama/Pelosi/Reid Axis Of Evil and Congress for not getting shivved for Christmas this year, I’d like to propose a much better gift. How about less of you?

You know those annoying people in your life? How it’s a relief when you spend less time with them as opposed to more? How for some people and personalities: less is more?

Well, a REAL and AWESOME gift from the state would be less of the state. In the form of cutting spending, cutting taxes, cutting regulation. Slim that sucker right back down to pocket size. Or if not that small, at least enough to fit into its prom dress.

How do we put the state on a diet? Pretty simple: focus focus focus. Get rid of anything on the table which does not include cuts. Forget about anything that does not effect the bottom line, like immigration, START, naming post offices etc. Just laser-like focus on the economy. Cut early, cut often, and once you’d done that, cut some more.

The state really needs to go on a starvation diet. Unlike a person, starving the state is not unhealthy, it’s the healthiest thing you can do for a country. We were heading for a massive heart attack, which would have happened if we ever took a bite of that bacon nightmare.

885 - Trillion Dollar Gift: NOT Getting Screwed By The State This Christmas

[caption id="attachment_2529" align="alignright" width="240" caption="The Gift Of Less"][/caption]

On Today's Show:

  • Talking about backwards gifts: the states gift to us this Christmas is a lot like a gangster or prison gift: we get the gift of NOT being killed or shivved.

  • Next year, maybe a nice sweater. Or even better, DEEP CUTS, in spending and taxes.

Omnibus Bill: Bacon Uber Alles!!!

[caption id="attachment_2523" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Bacon Uber Alles"][/caption]

Here's my take on the new spending bill:

It's like a bacon, cheese and caviar sandwich, made with bacon bread, stuffed inside a bacon chicken which is wrapped in bacon, stuffed inside a bacon goose (also wrapped in bacon), stuffed in a bacon turkey (wrapped in pancetta - a small touch of class), stuffed into a bacon donkey, stuffed into a bacon elephant, wrapped in bacon, given a sea-salt crust, roasted and then sauteed in bacon juice. With a squirt of lemon, a scattering of chives.

Well, bacon fat, actually, since there is no such things as bacon juice. Although if it did exist, I'm sure that it would be very delicious.

If you take a bite, it will probably kill you immediately, grease so rapidly coursing through your body, causing instant Arteriosclerosis.You'd probably freeze up so fast you wouldn't even have time to put down your fork.

Pretty much the exact same thing will happen to America if we pass that bill. Even the fumes from the cooking of all this pork is making me queasy. It's almost enough for me to swear off it for life.

Hmm. Wouldn't that be great if the state could swear off pork for life. Like that is ever going to happen.

Apologies to those of who who don't eat pork.

884 - NO! To Spending

On Today's Show:

  • As a final middle finger to America, the last act of a dying Congress is to kick us in the stomach

  • The only response to this bill is not compromise, its a resounding NO!

  • Obama now says he has always favored business? On what parallel universe did that happen?

1.1 Trillion Times “NO!”

This is beyond unconscionable. In this Congresses dying days, they pull out a gigantic, 2000 page, $1.1 trillion spending bill so incredibly full of pork, payoffs, expansion of government power and land grabs it boggle the imagination.

The immense scope of this bill is incredible. Not only that, the Democrats are pushing hard to pass this bill right now, before this session is over, otherwise it’s the end of the world. There will be no time to review it, no 5 days of being posted on the internet for all to see.

This is the last grasp of a dying administration, trying desperately to administer that one last kick in the ribs to America. First they knocked us down, then they beat us with Billy clubs, tasered us, and are now looking to finish the job.

They know this is the end. The complete and utter end of Democratic rule, maybe for 40 years, maybe forever. If this spending bill passes, we will have layered so much new debt on America, and for many generations to come, it will be the final kick.

We must all stand up and say NO! A hundred times NO, a thousand, a million, all of America, all of our voices raised in unison. NO!

The worst that could happen if this bill doesn’t pass. Government shuts down. Even more reason to say NO, a trillion times NO!

Anti-Wikileaks Law a Bad Thing

PrintWatch out: freedom of the press is in trouble. The fact that the US government wants to write and pass a law specifically to slam Julian Assange in jail is a very bad thing: for free speech, for freedom of the press, and for the American people. Let me explain.

What Wikileaks did was the same thing any other news organization would do with the same information: it’s a hot story, so publish it. You really think that the New York Times would hold back on a story which embarrasses Bush, or that Fox News would hold back on a story which embarrasses Obama?

Wikileaks did nothing illegal. Their right to release that information, not steal it, is protected by the First Amendment.  I abridge:

“Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of … the press”

This is exactly what the Wikileaks law will do: abridge the freedom of the press. Give government new powers to prosecute people who simply release embarrassing information to the public. Remember, from what has been reported, there is no information in the Wikileaks cables which could possibly endanger anyone. Worst case scenario, government officials get embarrassed. Which is a good thing.

Every Bill Is Bad

capitolIn thinking about what happened with the tax rate bill (yes, I have been corrected, its not a tax cut bill) I realized that there seems to be a pattern to all legislation nowadays (and probably most other legislation for the last 100 years or so).

The pattern is thus: the thought start out good, for example: write a bill which will extend the current tax rates, which we’ve had for the last 9 years or so. Period. That bill, just like that, is fine. It does one thing, and it does it well.

But no one votes for that bill. In order to get that bill through, and make everyone happy, we have to add this and that, change this or that, until the new form of the bill contains more harm than good. I think this is the way almost all legislation works:

  1. A good bill is introduced
  2. Changes are made to ruin it
  3. The bad bill gets passed
  4. We get bad law

What makes the changes bad is that none of them align with the Constitution. As supposedly the supreme law of the land, not many lawmakers care to consult it when bills are re-written. Especially our esteemed “constitutional lawyer-in-chief”

All Obama Knows Is Redistribution Of Wealth

sharingthemoneyI think I figured out why Obama seems so completely out to lunch on many issues: he only has one “solution” to ANY problem. Like the proverbial guy walking around with a hammer, when all around him are screws, the only “solution” he can bring to the table is “redistribution of wealth”.

Maybe this is why he doesn’t really know how to deal with national security, the various wars that we are involved in around the world, and the military. If you can’t apply the Obama Solution, which is “redistribution of wealth” then he can’t “solve” the problem.

You know I’m using quotes because we all know that redistribution of wealth is never a solution.

The examples are legion:

  1. the stimulus bill: redistribution of wealth.
  2. ObamaCare, same thing. It was never about health care
  3. Immigration: same thing – what’s the first act on the table for immigration: redistributing our wealth into illegal immigrants children’s pockets.

Every “solution” Obama brings to the table is always based on redistribution of wealth. Its  central tenet of his being, methinks. Maybe he can’t think outside that box. This is why he is failing, this is why he will be a one term president.

Unless he can come up with any other “solutions”, which I don’t believe he can, then he will continue to be a thorn on our side for the next two years.

ObamaCare Is Not About Healthcare

fingerscrossedWith the recent ruling that ObamaCare is unconstitutional, and Obama and the rest of the Obama/Pelosi/Reid Axis Of Evil vowing to fight the ruling, we should all now realize this: Obama really doesn’t have any “solutions”.

All he knows is redistribution of wealth. ObamaCare, at its core, has nothing to do with improving care. In fact, it has, and socialized medicine in general, has never improved care, and in most cases has worsened it, wherever it has been tried. It’s all about taking from the successful, who have worked hard to provide for their families, and giving it to the less successful, one you leech off of the rest of us.

If you can’t pay for your health care, then the government will, by redistributing our wealth to you. That is the only “solution” in the Obama playbook, he doesn’t know any other. This is just one flavor, the medical flavor.

Of course ObamaCare is unconstitutional, in any form. Nowhere in the constitution does it talk about the state providing health care, welfare, education or anything for that matter. If the President were worth his salt, he would have recognized it as such and never gone anywhere with it. However, we don’t have a constitution follower in the office. I wonder if when he swore the oath on the constitution, if he had his fingers crossed behind his back?

883 - ObamaCare Unconstitutional - Child Obesity Security Risk - Obama Less Popular Than Romney

[caption id="attachment_2429" align="alignright" width="208" caption="ObamaCare Is Not About Healthcare"][/caption]

On Today's Show

  • ObamaCare ruled unconstitutional: big surprise. BTW, did you know that ObamaCare has nothing to do with health care - its just another redistribution of wealth scheme

  • Queen Michelle now say child obesity is a national security risk? Is it because these kids won't be able to fit into their combat fatigues when they get older?

  • Obama less popular than even Mitt Romney now. He already passed George W on the way down...

  • And passing new laws to slam Julian Assange in jail is just plain wrong: watch out for anyone who supports a bill increasing the size and scope of government

882 - Obama Wont Take Anyones Advice, Not Even Clintons - Wikileaks Cuts Both Ways

[caption id="attachment_2426" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Can Obama Take Advice?"][/caption]

On Today's Show:

  • Bill Clinton advises Obama - doubt he will take advice from anyone - its not his nature

  • Wikileaks cuts both ways you know - it exonerates and damns Bush, Clinton and Obama. So thats a good thing: the more we know what the government is up to, the better. However, creating new laws which apply just to Julian Assange or people like him are worrisome. So much for freedom of the press.

Kicking Competency To The Curb

kickThis has me steaming. In the latest Apprentice series, where candidates compete against each other on business tasks, the field was finally narrowed down to two candidates: a older, overweight, ultra-competent, Texan, family man, and a much younger, hot, skinny, not-as-competent, female New York lawyer.

Guess who won? That’s right, the ultra-competent Texan got kicked to the curb, while the hot, young, female eye-candy got the job. I don’t know the its because of ageism, or that Trump leans towards hanging out with hot, young, females, or for ratings, or it’s a sign of our times: the hot, younger, sexier, yet less able candidate, gets chosen over the more competent one.

Is this why we picked Obama? Of the two, Obama was definitely younger, and some even find him attractive. Is this what happens when we pick eye-candy or feel-good over competency? We get an inept President who keeps those “wrong direction” numbers high.

Well, if you ask me, its long past the day when competency should rule again, age, sex, “hotness” notwithstanding. As soon as you discard merit as your top criteria, you get sub-standard results. I guess some people are ok with that: I know I’m not.

While The Democrats Rage & Hate, Republicans Just Rage

rageWith first Obama getting a little ticked off by both the Republicans (for making him to something he didn’t want to) and the Democrats (by not doing what he wanted) and exposing a little bit of that underlying rage and hate, and some Democrats expressing their rage by saying “F**k the President”, I think has led me to a conclusion.

One big difference between the socialist Democrats and pretty much everyone else, is that they are pessimistic, hateful and angry. They believe that people are not basically good: they feel that people are basically evil, and will always need to be controlled.

On the other hand, everyone else may rage at the state, at high taxes and mis-management, but at least we are optimistic while angry. We don’t hold out hate for these people. We just want to make things better. So we use the rage to fuel us, to give us the energy to make things better, to construct instead of destruct.

And that is a big difference.

My Apologies For Greek Democrats

dukakisNot many people know my unreal name, which is pronounced Hristoforos Futuropolous (yes, I am of Greek heritage), so I have mercifully shortened it for you to Chris Future. My parents were both from Greece, my father from a small island off the coast of Athens called Andros, my mom from a suburb of Athens called Amarousion.

Funnily, they never would have met except for the fact that they both ended up in Canada for different reasons. Anyways, long story short, my father was very political. His political leanings were very left-of-center. Even though he told me that when he was a lad he fought the communists in the north of Greece he ended up being pretty much a communist (well at least a fairly rabid socialist) for most of his life. In future posts, I’ll let you in on a bit of his political wisdom.

Anyways, back to my point. I’ve got a Greek background, but most American politicians with a Greek background lean left. Remember the most famous one of all, Dukakis? Boy, was the Greek American community (and the Greek Canadian community for that matter) ever excited about this guy. They were totally ecstatic (oooh! – finally a Greek in the White House). However, it was not to be.

So, I’m here to apologize for all Greek politicians who lean left. It’s funny, you’d think that being the ones who originally brought democracy into the world, they would have a bit more of balanced opinion, and be a bit more libertarian. But for some reason, the Greeks seem to lean towards socialism. Maybe one of the reasons Greece isn’t doing so well.

881 - Apprentice Annoys Me - Wikileaks A Good Thing - DREAM Dead? - Tax Rates Too

[caption id="attachment_2410" align="alignright" width="160" caption="The New Apprentice?"][/caption]

On Today's Show:

  • The latest Apprentice annoys me - once again rampant ageism is shown when the ultra-competent, older Texan loses to the hot, young, female lawyer. Pisses me off when competent people get kicked to the curb and less competent but better looking younger people are selected.

  • As the risk of pissing off my more conservative listeners, I think that Wikileaks revealing the machinations of our government is actually a good thing. So much for the "most transparent administration in history". The Obama admin is far from that. The most Wikileaks has accomplished was to annoy government officials, and I'm all for that.

  • Rejoice: The DREAM act may be dead

  • The "maintain tax rate" act is having trouble though, although if you throw in a ton of BS "sweeteners" for the Democrats then maybe we'll see this by the end of the year. If not, no big, we can just try for bigger cuts when the new Congress convenes.

Obama One Angry Dude, Part II: Comparing To Past Presidents

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Pundit after pundit are attempting to determine how Obama will “rule” in the next two years, considering the drubbing his party took at the polls, and are writing article after article on how he compares to previous Presidents.

Will he be like Carter? Will he be like Clinton? Bush 41, Hoover, Roosevelt and Lincoln have also been mentioned. I think that all of those comparisons are false.

Just watch his speech from the other day again. Look at the deep seated rage and hatred that he has for the Republicans and by extension, the American people, for as I mentioned in my previous post, the Republicans are simply our messengers, taking our message of lower taxes for everyone to Washington.

In my opinion, you can’t compare him to any other previous President, because no matter who you refer to, I don’t think that any other previous President hates America and the ideals of America. Sure, they may have done some things which took us off course, and others had to bring us back, but I think you can’t argue with the fact that pretty much every other President loved America, the ideals of America, and the American people.

Republican or Democrat, every President before him, underneath all that they do, showed their love for America, American ideals and the American people (Well, maybe Carter not so much).

But Obama is in a different league. I think that underneath, he secretly detests America, American ideals, and the American people, who he finds to be largely uneducated idiots. Him, and his cronies, exist to take apart America, and rebuild it in some new image, something other than what it is.

So that’s why all of the “comparisons” fall flat: no prior President has actively "hated” America, American ideals and the American people. They all have had varying degrees of love for America, American ideals and the American people.

Only Obama has stepped into the realm of hate. He hides it well, but it came out in that speech the other day. And I suspect that, as long as his party remains in the minority, and the American people reject his restructuring of this country, that we will be seeing more and more “Angry Obama”.

Obama: One Angry Dude: Part 1

obama-angryWatching Obama grit his teeth through that speech yesterday was pretty interesting. He just kept heaping blame, anger and vitriol on the Republicans. Over and over he accused the Republicans of wanted only tax cuts for the rich, of taking the American people hostage, and I’m sure many other crimes against humanity.

Boy, does he ever hate compromise, hates not being “right” all the time.

Funny thing though: even though all of the rage and hatred he barely kept inside during that speech was directed at the GOP, in reality the GOP was just the messenger. It is we, the American People – who brought our message of lower taxes to him via the Republicans.

So in reality, his anger and hatred is directed against the American people, not the GOP.

In Part 2, I’ll talk about how wrong it is to compare him against previous Presidents.

Tax Cuts: Phase One Complete

atmNow that Obama has finally bowed to the will the the American people (instead of foreign leaders) and continued the Bush tax cuts, we must press on to go further.

Maintaining the current status quo is not an option: proving that most of the mainstream are as much economic idiots as Obama, they ask “will this reduce unemployment” or “will this stimulate the economy”. How can maintaining the same level of taxation and spending be a stimulus to the economy?

No, not only do we have to keep the cuts, we have to DEEPEN them. Extending the cuts was Phase 1, now we need to go further, both in cutting taxes, regulation and spending.

The more the state is out of our way, the more we can take on the business of turning this economy around. That’s how jobs are created.

Obama’s Competency Question

obamaspeakingIs Obama really such a great communicator? I mean why is it that when he has a speech prepared and rehearsed, that he seems to communicate well. However the moment he is off script, live or in some kind of uncontrolled interview setting, he seems to go off the rails, fumbling and bumbling for answers, lots of ems and ahs, long winded answers with no points. And this guys was supposedly a lawyer?

If you ask me, someone’s competence can be tested by dropping them unprepared into an unfamiliar situation, and watching them rapidly learn and grow to master that situation.

If you ask me, Obama has done just the opposite. If anything, he’s gotten less competent. He had, after two years, still not mastered the Presidency.

Activism From Anywhere

bullhornRead a fantastic article in Reason Magazine yesterday, about how the internet has changed the political conversation in this country. From the Howard Dean days, the power of the internet to finally allow the voice of the people to be heard is phenomenal.

Nowadays, you don’t need to actually physically attend anything to be an activist.

You don’t have to go to a tea party rally to be an activist: you can be an activist at your desk, you can be an activist at home, you can even be an activist standing on a street corner, using your smartphone to tweet to the world that you just saw the cops shut down a little girls lemonade stand because she didn't have a business license.

The people have found their voice, and the conversation will never be the same.

(BTW: Don’t forget I’m currently giving away 25 FREE one year subscriptions to Reason. Details can be found here.)

880 - Our Angry, Hateful Multi-Racial President - Internet V Tyranny

[caption id="attachment_2370" align="alignright" width="88" caption="An Angry Multi-Racial Man"][/caption]

On Today's Show

  • Obama shows off his anger and hatred towards the American people. He sounds like he is railing against the Republicans, but in reality, the Republicans are just doing what we directed them to do on Election Day. So he really is angry and hateful towards the American people

  • Why are all these media outlets comparing Obama to other presidents? Do any of these other Presidents show that much hatred and anger towards America, its Constitution and its people?

  • And politics is forever changed by the internet. Once every person on the planet can freely talk to every other person on the planet, then tyranny can be defeated. We are seeing the seeds of defeat being planted even now.

Obama V Palin: Is This A Setup?

obamapalinIn a previous post, I mused that a Obama V. Palin matchup would be interesting and sorta fun (for us political junkies). Don’t look at me to take sides though, if you ask me they are both YAPs (Yet Another Politician) with very little real differences to me at the moment.

But as I was pondering this matchup I thought to myself: is this too perfect? Are these candidates too evenly matched? I’m sure I’m hearing some guffaws in the audience right now when I say that: the Obamaites scoff at Palin’s less than Harvard education, and the Palinistas ladle scorn upon Obama’s pretentions and lack of proof that he was actually born American.

No, what I’m saying is that they seem to be such perfect political opposites, and as “constructed personalities” which most politicians are, they are being set up to be that way, their public personas are being molded to be very clear choices. If you look at every attribute, the other candidates seems to completely embody the opposite attribute.

In a future post, I’ll match these attributes up and tell me if I’m wrong.

879 - Bush Tax Cuts Extended - DREAM Is A Nightmare

[caption id="attachment_2367" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Taxed Enough Already"][/caption]

On Today's Show:

  • Obama buckles under the pressure and allows the Bush tax cuts to remain for another two years. Of course that's just keeping the current status quo from getting worse. Now to make things actually better by adding his own tax cuts. Or is it embarrassing for a Democrat to have the words "Tax Cut" beside his name, like "Obama Tax Cut"

  • The DREAM act is a nightmare. Not just a slap in the face of all those who came here legally, but also, since when do we rewards criminals in this country. They did break the law didn't they. Is that not why we call them illegal?

The State Should Leave Us Alone

With this laser focus we all should have on rebooting the economy, now is the time to do the right thing when it comes to social issues: get the state out of them. Do nothing.

When it comes to every social issue under the sun, the right move for the state to take in any and all of them is to stop being involved in it, period. Not a penny of taxpayer money should be spent on any cause, on either side.

Abortion, gun control, gay marriage, religion, marijuana, censorship, AIDS etc. For example: Not a penny should go to support abortion, or to stop abortion. All of the decisions on all of these social issues are up to the individual people involved.

The State And Unemployment

In an ideal world, government should be out of the business of unemployment or welfare

There is no reason, as far as I can tell, why we can’t unemployment insurance? If you can buy car, home and life insurance, why can’t we go to a private firm for “job insurance” – that is if you really want it.

If you don’t want it, I mean you can always go the old fashioned route and actually save money while you are working to cover you during the periods when you are not working.

There is no reason why the state needs to be in the business of forcing people into insurance they may not want or need, be it job, health, auto, car, life whatever.

Does Obama Actually Want Lower Unemployment?

Sometimes I wonder, with the actions that this administration is taking against the American people, that Obama really wants to reduce unemployment.

I mean, did someone forget to tell him that, like golf, (which he is intimately familiar with) that a LOWER number is better than a higher number? Maybe all of this time he thought we should be shooting for a higher number?

Well, maybe some of this is not a joke: if you think about it: the more people that are on the dole in some way or another, the less and less have the skills and motivation to find a job: when you have been out of work for 1, 2, or 3+ years, you have adjusted to life on unemployment or welfare.

The more and more people who gain their lifestyle from the state, the more and more people will what to continue to support the state. If the government is paying you, why would you want to do anything to bite the hand that feeds you? The ultimate goal is to enlarge the welfare state as much as possible, so a higher unemployment number for him is actually a Good Thing.

Only Fiscal Issues Can Kill Us

The other day I read this great interview with Brian Lamb the founder of C-Span in Reason Magazine (great magazine BTW, you should pick up an issue – or listen to my show and win a free subscription, only until Christmas!)

Anyways, in this very wide ranging interview, one of the topics that came up was a discussion of fiscal issues versus social issues, and the gentleman made a very good point. He basically said something like “abortion or gay marriage will not kill America, but our debt will”

I completely agree. The fiscal issues facing this country are so enormous that they cannot be ignored any longer. They must be dealt with first, and we must remain laser focused on doing whatever we can to improve the economy and the debt situation. There really is no other issue which is as pressing as that.

Therefore, no matter how the enemies of freedom try to bring up the social issues which candidates have an opinion on, they must resist the temptation to go there. They must always redirect the conversation back to fiscal issues.

In reality, I don’t care about how a candidate feels about abortion or gay marriage, as long as that candidate leaves those issues on the back burner and keeps the state from encoding any funds towards supporting or working against that issue. The government does not belong in that space, ever. Plus, we have much, much bigger fish to fry.

How To Create Jobs

Why do all liberals make it sound like job creation is hard? If you ask me, it’s super simple:

  1. A person creates a thing you want
  2. They set up a company to sell these things
  3. You buy these things
  4. The company that makes these things you just bought makes money
  5. If they make enough money, they grow larger and need to hire more people
  6. Ergo: jobs are created when people create things and others buy them!

Now, a thing could be a product or a service, or even content, like music, a book or even a blog post like this one. A thing could even be attention, like driving people to look at your blog or website.

That is how real lasting jobs are created.

When the government creates jobs, it doesn’t create anything which can be sold. That is where it fails. Government has no ability to create jobs. All is has is the ability to spend our money for nothing. That is pretty much the only thing that it is good at, fiscally.

DREAM is a Nightmare

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="192" caption="DREAM Is A Nightmare"]scream[/caption]

We need less illegal immigration, not more.

If the DREAM act passes, this will simply cause more people to stream across the borders illegally. We need to do the exact opposite: instead of freely allowing and REWARDING law breakers, honoring them with one of the highest honors you can have as a resident of this country, status as a citizen.

Not even talking about the thousands of LEGAL immigrants who follow every law to the letter, rewarding these law breakers will simply open the floodgates for many, many more.

Our official line to all prospective illegal immigrants should NOT be a welcoming hug and free citizenship, but immediate charges against you and deportation back to your country. Every time we take anything but a hard line against illegal immigration, we suffer.

The State Should Leave Us Alone

[caption id="attachment_2350" align="alignright" width="180" caption="Marx Lenin Stalin Obama Pelosi Reid"][/caption]

With this laser focus we all should have on rebooting the economy, now is the time to do the right thing when it comes to social issues: get the state out of them. Do nothing.

When it comes to every social issue under the sun, the right move for the state to take in any and all of them is to stop being involved in it, period. Not a penny of taxpayer money should be spent on any cause, on either side.

Abortion, gun control, gay marriage, religion, marijuana, censorship, AIDS etc. For example: Not a penny should go to support abortion, or to stop abortion. All of the decisions on all of these social issues are up to the individual people involved.

Breaking: GOP Wins Bush Tax Cut Fight

Awesome. Bush tax cuts extended for 2 more years. Almost as good as the lack of new taxes is the fact that the Democrats will have to continue invoking the name Bush over and over for the next two years. I can't wait until these are up for renewal again. Can you imagine how the Dems would feel using the terms "Bush Tax Cuts" right before the next Presidential election. hehe.

Pajamas Media » Breaking: GOP Wins Bush Tax Cut Fight.

Despite Obama pay freeze, federal workers to receive $2.5 billion in raises... -

So much for a real pay freeze: turns out a pay freeze is not a pay freeze when its talk about a government pay freeze. Those do not exist. How can we stand all these lies?

Despite Obama pay freeze, federal workers to receive $2.5 billion in raises... -

Democrats trying for massive federal land and water grab in lame duck

They just can't stop expanding and expanding the reach of the state into everything. They must be stopped.

Democrats trying for massive federal land and water grab in lame duck -

The State And Unemployment

Not HiringIn an ideal world, government should be out of the business of unemployment or welfare.

There is no reason, as far as I can tell, why we can’t privatize unemployment insurance? If you can buy car, home and life insurance, why can’t we go to a private firm for “job insurance” – that is if you really want it.

If you don’t want it, I mean you can always go the old fashioned route and actually save money while you are working to cover you during the periods when you are not working.

There is no reason why the state needs to be in the business of forcing people into insurance they may not want or need, be it job, health, auto, car, life whatever.

Does Obama Actually Want Lower Unemployment?

jobsSometimes I wonder, with the actions that this administration is taking against the American people, that Obama really wants to reduce unemployment.

I mean, did someone forget to tell him that, like golf, (which he is intimately familiar with) that a LOWER number is better than a higher number? Maybe all of this time he thought we should be shooting for a higher number?

Well, maybe some of this is not a joke: if you think about it: the more people that are on the dole in some way or another, the less and less have the skills and motivation to find a job: when you have been out of work for 1, 2, or 3+ years, you have adjusted to life on unemployment or welfare.

The more and more people who gain their lifestyle from the state, the more and more people will what to continue to support the state. If the government is paying you, why would you want to do anything to bite the hand that feeds you? The ultimate goal is to enlarge the welfare state as much as possible, so a higher unemployment number for him is actually a Good Thing.

878 - Government Out Of Unemployment - No Wikileaks Surprises - Sarah Palin A 180 Of Obama

On Today's Show:

  • Should the state get out of the unemployment business?

  • There are really no surprises in the Wikileaks data

  • If you want a candidate who is literally 180 degrees different from Barack Hussein Obama, it's Sarah Louise Palin

Cutting Taxes Is Now “Terrorism”

atmMan, don’t the Democrats get shrill when they don’t get their way: like a crying baby without its pacifier, or a toddler stomping through a tantrum.

Are they really such economic idiots that they don’t understand that an across the board tax cut is the only kind of tax cut that will work? That focusing a tax cut on middle and lower classes won’t help to create any jobs and jumpstart the economy? That we want to incentivize all of those small to medium size businesses to start hiring again, and slapping them with huge new taxes won’t help? (Don’t call it “extending the Bush Tax Cuts”, call it “enacting the Obama Tax Hikes”) No, maybe they really are economic idiots. Or maybe they want things to get worse so that they can continue to blame the GOP and the Tea Party.

Schumer actually said something like “they said they didn’t want ObamaCare, they said they wanted less government, but they never said cut taxes for the wealthy” What, we have to outline every little thing we want? It doesn’t work that way.

The platform is simple: less government, lower taxes, free markets. It’s not less government for some and not others. It’s not lower taxes for some and not others. It’s not freer markets for some and not others. It’s everything for everyone.

But calling people who want to do the people’s bidding by cutting taxes “terrorists” is a brand new low. By extension we, all of us who want lower taxes across the board, are terrorists as well. You just called the American people terrorists. Nice.

This is the world these people see: It’s more patriotic to pay more taxes (according to the buffoon C3PO Joe Biden) and you’re a terrorist if you want to pay less taxes. It’s all back-ass-ward.

If you ask me it’s the opposite: it’s more patriotic to pay less tax, and I’ll leave the name calling to the Democrats.

Palin-Paul 2012?

Note this key paragraph in this post from PO times (thats pre-Obama to you believers). I think this there is a good possibility that this is true:

In short, what if Palin really is a moderate libertarian in neo-conservative lipstick? That is completely at odds with what we’ve discussed previously, but given the infighting, is it not a possibility? What if overtures are made now, Palin runs in 2012 and chooses Ron Paul as her running mate? Sure it is crazy and unlikely, but it’s only 2008. A lot can happen in the next four years.

Well, it's two years later, Obama has turned out to be a dud. Is now the time for a libertarian renewal through a more free market, Tea Party infused Palin, and either Ron or Rand Paul as her running mate? Tough to beat, I'd think, given the competition.

via Ron Paul | The Great Libertarian Opportunity? Palin-Paul 2012? | Gary Johnson :: Liberty Maven.

Tax Cuts Votes on the Way in the Senate as Unemployment Rises

Well said: however nothing less than extending the tax cuts permanently, then augmenting them with even more tax cuts in future, is the only strategy to follow here.


"With only 28 days until middle-class families, job creators and investors are hit with massive job-killing tax hikes, Senate Democrats are scheduling pointless tax votes that have no chance of becoming law," Hatch said. "Pandering to their political base with these votes isn't the responsible action the American people are demanding from their elected officials."

via Tax Cuts Votes on the Way in the Senate as Unemployment Rises - ABC News.

Only Fiscal Issues Can Kill Us

The other day I read this great interview with Brian Lamb the founder of C-Span in Reason Magazine (great magazine BTW, you should pick up an issue – or listen to my show and win a free subscription, only until Christmas!)

Anyways, in this very wide ranging interview, one of the topics that came up was a discussion of fiscal issues versus social issues, and the gentleman made a very good point. He basically said something like “abortion or gay marriage will not kill America, but our debt will”

I completely agree. The fiscal issues facing this country are so enormous that they cannot be ignored any longer. They must be dealt with first, and we must remain laser focused on doing whatever we can to improve the economy and the debt situation. There really is no other issue which is as pressing as that.

Therefore, no matter how the enemies of freedom try to bring up the social issues which candidates have an opinion on, they must resist the temptation to go there. They must always redirect the conversation back to fiscal issues.

In reality, I don’t care about how a candidate feels about abortion or gay marriage, as long as that candidate leaves those issues on the back burner and keeps the state from encoding any funds towards supporting or working against that issue. The government does not belong in that space, ever. Plus, we have much, much bigger fish to fry.

The State Is Incompetent

We now live in two Americas, just not the same two Americas that John Edwards was talking about. We the people live in one America, the Real America, where we live our lives, run our businesses, we do our own thing, and then government does its own things (that would be Government America)

In Real America, individuals and businesses build and sell real value. In Government America, value is destroyed. In Real America, we get on with the business of life. In Government America, this business of life is leeched away.

Compare a project completed by private business compared with a project completed by the state. The private business is incented to complete the project on time and under budget, where the state’s project has no constraint. This is why you see private buildings built in no time, while state sponsored building construction never seems to end.

Increasingly, the gap between the effectiveness of private business and the state is growing ever larger. As the state increases in size and scope and cost, it becomes less and less effective. On the flip side, business becomes ever leaner and more effective. You can do things in private industry now that were unheard of with lean staffs and budgets.

Where do you go when you want something done? You don’t go to the state, you go to private business.

If we truly want to be effective, the way forward must include, along with spending cuts, wholesale privatization of entire industries now very poorly run by the state. Give the “peoples business” back to the people and watch it get done, faster, better and cheaper.

I guess, in the end, it all comes down to competency: the state can afford to be incompetent, whereas we can’t. Unfortunately, we can no longer afford for the state to be incompetent.

Obama V Palin: A Good Matchup

From the Future Hall of Predictions: the presidential matchup in 2012 will be Barack Hussein Obama V Sarah Louise Palin. Now I have been wrong in the past: I actually predicted that Hillary Diane Clinton would be the next president of the United States and boy was I ever wrong. Then again, no one could have predicted the incredible “installation” of this no name character known as Obama into the Oval Office. (I guess I should probably cancel the segment on my show which is called “I Am Always Right”, even though I almost always am Winking smile )

Anyway, the reporters are already trying to feel out the GOP field for candidates and who else really is up there with the same kind of passionate followers like our esteemed savior? I mean, Mitt Romney? Really? The founder of something as heinous as RomneyCare in MA? Seriously, the decision will be much less his faith than his wrecking of the health care system in that state. A vote for Romney would go over as well as a vote for McCain did back in ‘08 – basically too little, too late.

I can’t think of anyone else really: not Huckabee, Jindal maybe. Chris Christie, possibly. I just don’t see anyone else with enough traction. But no one else has Palin’s passionate followers. So in the end, my second prediction is that if they don’t choose Palin, they will probably lose to Obama again, and then we will have four more years of this nonsense.

The only person that you can say is a true outsider, and who has purposely positioned themselves as a true outsider, is Sarah Palin.

Make no mistake, Palin is just as shrewd a politician as Obama and Bush before him. Her image is being carefully crafted right now as one of the “people”, someone who is a real American, not a politician, and can come in and clean house. This is one of the reasons you are seeing her reality show now, her daughter being a contestant on Dancing With The Stars. This is cementing her presence as the ultimate non-politician, the hockey-mom American, just like you and me. Her latching onto the Tea Party movement is a brilliant stroke as well, as is her laser focus on economy, and in a few cases security. Note how she stays away from social issues with a 10 foot pole?

Of course, her lavish digs in Alaska kind of belie that image, but we are willing to look past that, since we so desperately need an outsider to come in and clean up Washington.

That was Obama’s original promise, but of course that was all a lie, since he never worked in business, he really ended up being the ultimate insider.

Just look at the contrasts that are being set up: the aloof, closed, erudite Obama, and the friendly, open, aw shucks Palin.

It’s a total matchup, could you have two more different candidates? I tell you, 2012 will be so much fun.

And if that’s the choice I have to make, then I would have to say “you betcha” to Palin. We can’t have 4 more years of Obama trying to drive us into his vision of a socialist paradise. And if she truly believes in the same ideals as the Tea Party, and helps to being about the change we need, hewing closely to The Freedom Agenda, then it won’t be a bad decision for any of us to vote for Sarah Palin.

Taxes Are Like Damage

When I was thinking of a good metaphor to explain the affect of taxes, I like to use the internet itself as an example, although the human body and immune system is also a good analogue.

The economy, businesses and individuals trading with each other, constitutes a very smoothly running system which works for all parties: when a trade takes place, all parties who are part of the trade, when there is no external force affecting the outcome of the trade, agree to a fair price which works for everyone. eBay is a perfect example of this in action.

When an external force which is not part of the deal, like the state, inserts itself in the way of taxes and regulation, then the participants in the previously smoothly working system have to expend resources in order to modify the deal in order to keep it happening and all parties in agreement. Since the state provides no value add to the deal, steps need to be taken to mitigate the “damage” done by the state to the deal. These resources are a drain on the business or individual as well.

So like the internet, when portions are damaged by disaster, the routers in the internet route traffic in a different way, but it still gets to its destination. Or like the human body, when bruised or infected, it directs its resources to work around the damage, and possibly expel it.

The state, being blissfully unaware that it has an effect, expects its actions will simply be taken by those businesses and individuals affected, which is the exact opposite of what happens. We actively monitor the damage and the “damage to come” – for example the possible upcoming ending of the Bush tax cuts (who some would call the start of the Obama tax hikes) and take steps to lessen the damage these things do.

So when the state assumes that it will get $X in revenue from a specific kind of damage that it will inflict, we change our way of working in order to lessen that damage, and then the state takes only X/2, or less. So the state basically can never take as much as it expects to.

Therefore, tax increases can never work, and the only way to balance the budget is to cut spending. QED.

Life Is Like Craps

A long time ago, back when I worked at a cable company in Canada, my boss and I travelled to Las Vegas for a computer show – if you’ve been in the tech field, you must remember Comdex. Anyways, while we were flying down, my boss introduced me to Craps, which I’d never played before. For 3 hours, he described this game to me, which sounded very complicated on the outside.

When we got there, after the show we played craps, and won a crazy amount of money. Of course after that we preceded to lose it, but in the end I ended up going back with more than I lost.

One interesting thing about craps: when everyone at the table is winning, the person who is throwing the dice (the shooter) keeps going and going, while they are winning. As soon as that shooter loses – and in most cases everyone at the table loses – they move on to the next shooter. They don’t focus on the guy who just lost them all that money, they move on quickly to the next winning opportunity.

And I thought: what a great analogy for life. When you fail, and you will, just move on quickly to the next win. Learn from your mistakes, of course, but why dwell on the failure. Like in craps, don’t focus on the loss, focus on the next opportunity to win.

How To Create Jobs

Why do all liberals make it sound like job creation is hard? If you ask me, it’s super simple:

  1. A person creates a thing you want
  2. They set up a company to sell these things
  3. You buy these things
  4. The company that makes these things you just bought makes money
  5. If they make enough money, they grow larger and need to hire more people
  6. Ergo: jobs are created when people create things and others buy them!

Now, a thing could be a product or a service, or even content, like music, a book or even a blog post like this one. A thing could even be attention, like driving people to look at your blog or website.

That is how real lasting jobs are created.

When the government creates jobs, it doesn’t create anything which can be sold. That is where it fails. Government has no ability to create jobs. All is has is the ability to spend our money for nothing. That is pretty much the only thing that it is good at, fiscally.

Hit List: Updated

Collins, Lugar, Murkowski and Voinovich all have two strikes now: earmarks and the food safety bill. Keep watch on my hit list page

Wikileaks Founder on Freedom Watch Tonight...

I don't know about you but I'm setting my DVR remotely for this right now...

From Judge Andrew Napolitano Facebook page:

Wikileaks emerges from hiding for a FreedomWatch exclusive! Influenced by American libertarianism, Assanges team joins FreedomWatch to reveal all new secret information about government lies! Tonight at 8PM ET the truth shall set you free...

Freedom Watch On Fox

‘Don’t Tread on Me’ License Plates Approved in TX

Nice. Too bad we will never see this in California, even though I bet there are plenty of people here who feel this way: yes even liberals sometimes feel the chafe of government.


Texas drivers will soon be able to make a Texas-sized statement with their license plates. The popular Tea Party symbol of the Gadsen flag, featuring the phrase “Don’t Tread on Me,” has been approved as a Lone Star specialty plate and could be available as early as February.

via ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ License Plates Approved in TX | The Blaze.

The GOP Hit List Is Up...

Tracking all of stabs in the back of the Tea Party by the Republicans.

The Hit List: Remember these names come next election. Everytime they vote against the Freedom Agenda, they get a strike.

Announcing: The 25 Days Of Reason Contest

It's the most wonderful time of the year: thats right folks it's the 25 Days Of Reason contest. Every show in the month of December gives you the chance to win a free one year subscription to ReasonMagazine, (a $20 value!) the best magazine on the planet, for you or a friend of yours if you already subscribe to Reason.

Contest Rules

  1. On each show in December, I'll make up a code word that you have to listen for. If you hear me utter the code word, immediately send me email at with the following information:

    1. The Show Number: i.e. 877

    2. The Code Word: i.e. Obama

    3. The Time Code I said it at: 20:11

    4. Your postal address or your friends postal address

  2. One subscription will be given away per show

  3. The first email I get with the correct information will get the prize

  4. The email must arrive between the post time of the show indicated in the email and the post time of the show after that one. For example, if I post show 877 at 9:32am PT on December 1st, 2o10 and show 878 at 10:30am PT the day after, the email must arrive between 9:32a 12/1/2010 and 10:30a 12/2/2010

  5. The address must be in the continental United States.

Enjoy! And tell your friends! Contest rules can be found here.

877 - Obama Poll Fail - Business Adapts - 1099 Blues

On Today's Show:

  • The 25 Days Of Reason Contest Begins!

  • Obama FAILS across the board - 32-45% average 38.8% approval rating

  • Earmarks why does everything have to be complicated. we need to simplify

  • $250k limits hit small business - tax cuts for everyone

  • 1099 reporting rules - expect money to fund things - businesses will change to pay less tax

  • Taxes are like damage - we actively work to pay the least amount - its a constant battle requiring a lot of effort - we shouldn't have to have to spend that much effort

  • Don't pay social security to people who make too much?

Arizona Legislator Calls Obama’s Actions “Impeachable”

Impeach? Waste of time. Marginalize, maybe...


Think about it. This is the first time in the history of the United States that a sitting president has sided with a foreign government to sue the citizens of its country. For defending our laws? For defending and protecting the citizens of the state of Arizona? It’s outrageous, and it’s impeachable.

Senator Pearce was referring to the Obama administration’s decision to invite 11 Central and South American nations to join the federal government’s lawsuit against Arizona. This outsourcing ignores the president’s numerous lawsuits against the state, as well as motions against Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio for “racial profiling,” on the grounds he arrested too many Hispanics near our open border with Mexico.

via Arizona Legislator Calls Obama’s Actions “Impeachable” | Floyd Reports.