Baucus lays siege on a company which had the temerity to inform their customers of changes to their health care based on a reading of the new health care plan. Those bastards! They are capitalists and must be put down and put down hard.
Obama Throws ACORN Under The Bus
Hmm. Last weekend Obama threw ACORN under the bus and he sounded like he didn't know much about an organization that he worked for for over 20 years. So I guess you embarrass him and you get thrown under the bus. Doesn't he need them to win the next election though? I guess they will still fight for them even if he disses them. True abusive behavior.
Banker Pay
What makes you think Obama will stop at regulating just banker pay. We are all on the list, peoplel
Michelle Obama is a Greedy Racist
The true story of Barack Obama and his Socialist agenda. How he protects his wife and the hypocrisy and greed that are involved.
Is Obama Stupid, Naive Or Malicious?
Discuss: Since it has been proven time and time by historical fact that its less government intervention in markets is what lets the economy roar back, why is Obama continuing to follow the course of expanding government? Is it that a) he does not care about the economy and the half million plus NEW unemployed every MONTH and only wants to force through his giant expansion of government b) he is naive and really thinks that more government intervention will really help the economy, which has been proven totally false in every case or c) he is purposely making moves to wreck the economy and take us back down to the Third World since its so much easier to subjugate a Third World country than it is to subjugate a First World country.
Glenn Beck says McCain would have been worse for America than Obama - Spastic Sasha AGREES
I need 10 minutes to explain why
6 Names of Shame
Dr. James David Manning says "thank you for turning our world over to these dictators and tyrants.
CBS / Letterman shocking lack of respect for the First Black President of the USA Barack Obama
Obama spends more time on his image than on actually working
How Social Programs Crush Cultures
On a previous show, I talked about how socialized medicine will change American culture. I go into a little more detail here. Most other countries in the world how have a large number of social programs crush their citizens with huge income taxes, huge sales taxes, and all sorts of additional costs. The cultures in these countries go from optimistic to pessimistic, when its takes more and more effort to stay in the same place. Whereas before, maybe one salary could support a family, once these programs start taking their toll, and trust me they are much much more expensive when they are "managed" by the state, both parents may need to work or get additional jobs just to make ends meet. It fosters an "every man for himself" attitude where no one helps anyone else. If you go to these countries you'll note how surly most people are. They are struggling to survive every day under the crushing tax burden. That's our future under an expansion of these programs, especially health care, as its the most expensive and intrusive.
The Obama-Baucus Health Care "Plan"
The plan is out and its a doozy. More costs for everyone. Higher taxes, less choice, government takeover and eventual destruction of yet another industry. Fascism, anyone?
The Fall Of ACORN
You know whats really absurd? That ACORN falls due to this idiotic pimp/prostitute go get a mortgage video, when they done a hell of a lot more criminal things than that. Oh well, I say "whatever works" to shut down this corrupt, criminal enterprise. Please, Republicans, at least follow through on that, otherwise we'll really start thinking that you are in on the joke with the Democrats...
We're All Racists Now
So Jimmy Carter says its all about race now. Not because his policies stink. No its all about race. Of course, that what they always trot out when they can't defend their guy. Just call his opponents racist. Red Herring anyone?
To My Liberal Friends...
To my liberal do you feel about Obama's position on gay marriage, the War on Drugs and others. He's a failure on those fronts as well.
Freedom, NOT Conservatism, Is On The March
Some reports state that over 2 million people marched on Washington to protest increased spending and more government intervention into our lives. Some conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and many Republicans are latching onto this as a new "conservative" revolution. The only conservative thing that the marchers believe in is of the "fiscal" type. Don't be fooled. Once the Republicans use this anti-government backlash to get themselves voted back in, they will continue the SAME spending sprees, only on different things. McCain wanted a health care bill too, remember? The only solution is to force the Republicans to truly take up the full mantle of libertarian thought and run with it, and not just discard it after they are elected back in. Ever wonder why people still feel that the country is on the wrong track, even though there has been a changing of the guard? The people realize they are both the same.
Why government option will destroy private health insurance industry
Government programs are inefficient and lose money consistently (think Postal Service, Amtrak, etc.). Government run health insurance plan will be no different. In order to provide more for less (as Obama is promising), they will have to offer low prices and will definitely operate at a deficit. Once the plan is instituted though, nobody will ever cancel it. Therefore, it will absolutely be subsidized, despite what Obama says. Once it is subsidized, kiss "choice and competition" goodbye.
It was never about choice and competition. It is all about power and making people dependant on the government.
Kill Obamacare Now
We need to kill this bill now. It is much much more far reaching that you think. This bill, and any bill like it, will kill America and its culture.
Maxine Waters Urges Obama to Pass Health Care Using Nuclear Option
Uggg her again. The same person who wants to socialize everything er I mean having the government taking over on everything.
Reid "Taxation Is Voluntary"
Jan Helfeld interviews Senator Harry Reid about
redistributive taxes. Reid maintains redistributive taxes are not a problem because people are not forced to pay taxes. He says taxation is voluntary???. How and why does Harry Reid get into this bind and make such a preposterous statement?
Labor Less Day
So, King, where is the great economic recovery you promised us with the stimulus bill, the spending bill, the cap and trade bill and now the healthcare bill? Are you aware that as a result of your actions, you have actually increased unemployment to over 30% in some places of the country? Well, of course, if you realize that the true endgame of this president and democrat congress is to increase and solidify government control over our lives and NOT turn the economy around, then you can understand why he is making the moves he is making. A number of economists are now saying the Obama is repeating the mistakes which drove the country into a deeper, longer recessions in the past, and may even drive us to 3rd world status from 1st world. Its happened before. Why is he doing this? I guess its easier to control a third world country with fascist and socialist policies than a 1st world country. Is this the path he is taking us on?
Pirates in DC
Barack Obama, Barney Frank, Maxine Waters and Rahm Emanuel tell us their plans for America. Spreading the wealth, single payer health care system, government run companies and mandatory civil defense. All of these statements have somehow been accepted, because all of these people are in places of authority. Just listen to their own words.
Obamas Speech To Schoolchildren
OK so the Kings speech isn't an overt call to his arms, but still if you read it right - everything he wants kids to strive for is not really for themselves, but for their country. For the Fatherland! Since when did the founders idolize the country, and not the people of the country? As far as I know, the rules are "the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness" apply to the individual citizen striving for themselves, not their country. Plus where is the mention of becoming a great businessperson, and making a lot of money, supporting the economy and creating jobs? Nowhere. We should be successful for our own sake, not yours, buster! So are we going to have to deprogram our kids every year? Is he going to do this again?
According to Ancient Greeks, You're Not Free
Professor Hunter Rawlings III explains that ancient Greeks had a very different concept of freedom, which they perceived as an obligation, while the American tradition defines freedom as individual rights.
Obama Recruits Your Children To His Cause
Why is King Obama addressing his youngest subjects without their parents in the room so they can call his BS as he says it? I don't want our lord and master telling my kids what to do without me in the room. Of course, I'm sure that he would prefer that all children become wards of the state the day they are born, which WILL happen once he gets his paws on our decent health care system and replaces it with a malfunctioning one like Canada's. Can I protest? Can I write a letter to my sons teacher and tell her to exclude him? And have him be singled out and ridiculed in this very leftist state? What choice do I have when the state co-opts our children without our consent? You can bet I'll be de-programming him on Tuesday night....
Speaking Ill Of The Dead
Senator Kennedy is dead. Why do we never speak ill of the dead? Since when do people become saints when they die? If you ask me, their time for redemption has simply run out, and you must judge them against their lives.
Cradle Of Democracy
Why do we need so many rules? I came back from Greece with two impressions: 1) Socialism is very expensive and 2) we all have, follow and enforce too many rules. We need more chaos and anarchy around here!