Just Google "OHIP denies treatment" and "medical tourism". See the hundreds of treatments that socialized medicine denies, and guess where people go in order to get treatments? Yup...they leave their socialized medicine countries and come to the US for treatment. Wonder why?
Ram The Scam: Opposition To Man-Made Climate Change Growing
The real reason that Obama and his minions want to ram through this huge energy tax increase in the guise of a climate change bill is that real honest dialog about the fact that man-made global warming is a complete fraud is finally stating to surface. There is a huge groundswell of intelligent, non-politicized scientists and climatologists who simply do not believe that it is a FACT. So why are we rushing? Don't you think more thought on a giant expensive bill like that is needed?
Obamacare Infomercial
The Obama/ABC Obamacare Infomercial fudges facts on socialized healthcare. When will we get a real debate on this incredibly important issue? Never, as Obama wants this rammed through asap. At that point there is no going back.
The Obama Show
Obama manipulates the media like never before. And they let him do it. I say - "Grow some balls and do your jobs!"
The Iranian Revolution
The Iranians are revolting against an oppressive regime and Obama wants to watch it all play out? Why is he so soft against the hardliners in Iran? Probably because, as another authoritarian, he can sympathize. what is the real difference between Obama and Khamenei? Degree.
Full John Galt
The only way to see liberty in our lifetime is to infiltrate the GOP and turn it into an ersatz Libertarian Party.
At $11B Per Guantananamo Detainee, I'll Take One!
Palau takes up to 17 of the Gitmo detainees, but not out of the goodness of their heart. We PAID (bribed) them $200B to do it. By my math thats 11 Billion per detainee. Hell, if you are giving away $11B per detainee, I'll take one. I've got room for a human sized cage in my backyard for that price.
$870,000 Per Job Saved
Obama spent $870,000 of our taxpayer money saving each job at Chrysler. This is how government wastes our money. Simply letting Chrysler go into bankruptcy would have still saved the jobs as some other company would have swung in and bought them up. Obama does not want to save the economy, but to control it.
A Light Touch? More Like A Sledgehammer
Obama says he wants to take a "light touch" on free markets as he nationalizes businesses left and right. More hypocrisy from our hypocrite in chief.
State-Run Media
Hey guys. Calm down about the ABC doing the gushing review of the Obamacare proposal from the White House. The media have been lovin' Obama and everything he produces since 2004
Al Gore sued by over 30 000 Scientists for Global Warming fraud John Coleman
Europe Goes Right As America Goes Left
Hey Mr. President. The Old Europe that you want us to emulate is giving up on socialism. Why don't you be more innovative and leapfrog them towards more fiscal responsibility? Nah, let me try some more of those failed solutions of the past. Who knows they might work this time - even though they never worked, ever.
Our Hypocrite In Chief
Ha. Here we go again. Obama says one thing, does another. Pay-As-You-Go yet another example.
Obama Is God
Funny. The "News" doesn't seem much like news. Obama is still championing the failed solutions of the past. He's still a hypocrite, and the media still think he is God. Pretty much same old, same old. Evan Thomas, interviewed by Chris Matthews, say "Obama Is God"
A Tale Of Two Murders
An abortion doctor is murdered, the MSM features the story for 3 days and the White House feels like its needs to comment. A young Private is murdered at a Recruitment office by a converted radical Muslim, and nothing is mentioned. This is America?
Obama Bores The Muslim World Into Submission
Obama, in his first major speech to the Muslim world, completely ends the global war or terror by apologizing to the world for his predecessor launching a War On Islam, (instead of saying "Islam Is Peace"), telling everyone, from the Israelis to the radical Muslims, to the Iranians what to do. In a speech full of "teachable moments" our failed community organizer of a President shows how far we've fallen from a strong military and economic world superpower, to just another third world nation. Reaction so far: just empty words. Where are the deeds to back those words up. When will you bring back all those troops stationed overseas for no good reason? When will you actually pull out of all those countries in the world in which we are meddling with their sovereignty? When will you actually assist the citizens of oppressive states to change their governments for the better? Just words, not deeds.
Invite An Iranian To Your July 4th BBQ
DISCLAIMER: I know some Iranians, they are great people. I'm talking about Obama reaching out to those Iranians who hate us. I don't think those folks would take too kindly to a July 4th BBQ invite...
In another dumb move, Obama suggests that the best way to thaw relations with a country which would rather see you dead as much as look at you would be to invite them to your July 4th BBQ, feed them hot dogs and burgers, surround them with the red, white and blue, and regale them with tales of how wonderful American is. Look, the typical Iranian surely doesn't agree with all the wingnut things their government is doing, just like we don't agree with what OUR government is doing, but I'm not sure that asking radicals who hate your country to join a love fest for that country is the right move. Unless of course you check them for explosives at the door first.
Lets Not Impose American Values
Last I checked, freedom of speech and freedom of religion WERE American ideals
A Teachable Moment
You know, Mr. Obama. We are not all idiots that need to be taught all the time. So keep your "teachable moments" to yourself. What are you anyway, to tell us what to do? Just a failed legal intern and a community organizer with a silver tongue. What makes you think you are smarter than us?
Obama IS Running GM, whatever he says...
When a CEO tells a company what kind of cars to build, where to have their offices, who to hire and what dealerships to leave open and close, that person is running the company. Maybe Obama, not ever actually working in an actual business doesn't really understand what that means.