Logophobia: Afraid of "Hussein"?

When we will allowed to speak freely again?

Sotomayor A Member Of La Raza, A Near Terrorist Organization?

No such thing as "reverse racism", when you treat anyone differently due to the color of their skin, its racist period. And Sonia Sotomayor is a member of La Raza, a near-terrorist organization which wants to take over a number of southerwestern states and give them to Mexico. Obama realizes that he needs to placate the Hispanics for the 2010 and 2012 votes, since Hillary Clinton picked those up over him. So now we will have a admitted racist and seperationist on the Supreme Court. The dismantling of America continues.

Obamas Revenge On Republican Chrysler Dealers

Obama shuts down Chrysler dealers who supported John McCain and the Republican party in the last election. Revenge for not supporting him? I wonder what he'll do with the banks once he owns them.

Obama shuts down Republican Chrysler Dealers: Furor grows over partisan car dealer closings

Korean Nukes

When we look weak, the petty dictators flex their muscles. Like it or not, this never happened under Bush. Why not just be strong against these people? Why appear weak?

Internet "Czar"

Why do we need any "czars" at all? Is it fitting that the term is from pre-revolution Russia? Why do we need fine government control over everything? I bet this guy shuts down a few anti-Obama websites soon after he is in. Discussion and dissent are not allowed anymore.

National 10% Sales Tax

Here it comes, people. Promises of elimination of the income tax in lieu of a sales tax. Thing is they are lying about eliminating the income tax. This is just another tax on top of everything.

Lamb, Alcohol And Tomatoes

...are among the foods that will be taxed heavily or banned under an Obama regime

Gay Marriage Ban

Prop 8 is upheld. What right do we have to tell other people how to live their lives?

The Real Danger is Not Obama Or Oprah

Discussion, disagreement and dissent is the essence of being human. The real danger in America is not messiah figures like Obama and Oprah, is their blind followers.

A Wise Latina

Obama selects a latina - but will she uphold the Constitution?

The Obama-Card—Inexperienced, Unreliable. The Best Liberal Media Can Buy.

Carrots and Sticks...

Eagle and American Flag by Bubbels

Aimee Allen's *Unofficial* Ron Paul Revolution Vid

Nationalized Healthcare...

Everything the Government touches is a DISASTER and now you want to put them in charge of your healthcare??? BIG mistake!!!

The Best PERSON For The Job Would Be Historic

I am so SICK AND TIRED of the word HISTORIC. Calling everything that Barack Hussein Obama HISTORIC is racist. People even think that believing in a color-blind society is racist because it doesn't reset the wrongs of the past. HISTORIC. What ever happened to meritocracy? HISTORIC. The next justice pick will probably be female, watch him try to cram in as many "disadvantaged" groups as possible. HISTORIC. Watch for our next justice to be a female, gay, half-asian, quarter-black, quarter-hispanic, amputee cancer survivor leftist or something like that HISTORIC.Why not just pick the best PERSON for the job? Can't do that, that would be HISTORIC!

Who Is Rich?

Its amazing that the communists, socialists, leftists and Obamabots STILL believe that the rich of today are rich because they stole from others or exploited others. Nowadays, the rich are rich because they provided a product or service that people want to buy. People WILLINGLY gave the "rich" person money for some product or service, or WILLINGLY went to work for that person or business. In business, no one is stolen from and no one is exploited. If an employee felt exploited, then they are free to get a job elsewhere. What right does the government have to steal from these "rich". None.

Year One, A.O.

Obama acts like history began when he ascended to the throne. Like America did not exist prior to January 20th, 2009. So why don't we just call this year 1 AO. As in after Obama? So I was born in 46 BO, and the American Revolution occurred in 232 BO, and Christ was born in 2009 BO. I think you get the picture. Luckily he wears size 12 shoes otherwise we'll be changing the standard measure of a foot!

Capitalism = Evolution

The reason that capitalism works is that CAPITALISM = EVOLUTION. It is completely in line with all of our biological and evolutionary functions. Socialism however, conceptually does not map to evolution the way capitalism does. Socialism cannot survive without capitalism, and the more capitalist the socialist society is, the more successful it is. What does that tell you?

Obama And Israel

Obama treats Benjamin Netanyahu like crap on his White house visit. Obama is no friend to Israel. Are all you Jews and Israel supporters happy that you voted for Obama now? Obama thinks using his silver tongue will really stop Iran from nuking Israel. Yeah, right.

Obama Rations Healthcare

Socialized health care means rationing. It's an INEVITABLE, PROVEN FACT.

Obamas $1300 Car Tax

Our new DinkyCar auto industry will cost us an extra $1300 per vehicle. Welcome to Europe.

Part 1: 05/13/2009 Freedom Watch 14 w/ Napolitano, Ron Paul, Daniel Hannan, Rockwell, Schiff, more

Government Should Stay Out Of The Wombs Of The Nation

Obama calls for a common ground on abortion. There is no common ground. What he CAN do is to step out of the debate. Government does not belong in the discussion AT ALL. Government has no say in the abortion debate. Not one taxpayer dollar should go to pro-life OR pro-choice organizations.

More Nails In The Coffin Of The Auto Industry

Pretty soon, we will all be driving around in "dinkycars"

Obama Is Not A Pragmatist

Is Obama really were a pragmatist then he would allow the free market to turn the economy around. He is simply using this crisis in order to implement his own "failed solutions of the past" aka socialism. When has he EVER extolled the virtues of the free market? When has he ever done anything to allow the free market to solve the problem. The answer is NEVER. He sometimes mentions it, but he never lets it work - and he will never let it work if you ask me.

Dead People Being Stimulated

People who have been dead 30+ years and never contributed to social security are getting stimulus checks. Who knows how many illegal aliens are getting a chunk of our change too. Funny how this is lauded by the press but when Bush did the exact same thing with his $300 stimulus checks, he was laughed at and derided.

There Are Better Solutions Than Socialized Medicine

There are so many more solutions to the health care cost issue than government control. As always, government is ALWAYS the source of the problem, and private enterprise is ALWAYS the source of the solution.

Stimulus = FAIL

The Stimulus Bill is a giant FAIL. Cutting taxes, cutting spending and rolling back government is the only way to stimulate the economy.

Obama Throws Himself Under The Bus?!?!

Obama spends the first 100 days spending us into oblivion, increasing the debt by a huge amount, and now says that that debt is unsustainable?! WTF?..

War On Cheerios

As government runs health care approaches, be prepared to be told what you can and cannot eat, what you can and cannot do for exercise more and more often. Eventually suggestions will turn to orders and we will be waking up to mandatory morning calisthenics and forced to eat only what we are told.

Preparing Us For A Soviet America

Is the mainstream media preparing us for Soviet America? The media, having drunk the Kool-Aid of Obama's "hope and change" in the spirit of downgraded expectations, are they trying to get us used to the idea that we can't have the house we want, the car we want, to run our thermostats at 72 degrees if we want. For example, Dwell magazine has features on GREEN tech, and living in small Soviet Russia style spaces, Wired talks about Obama's energy plan, and Make magazine and their show, Maker Faire, which is an incredible paean to the individualist creator, adopts the language of the collectivist in its Re-Make America theme this year.

Look for yourself, almost all media is trying to promote this idea of making do with what we have, not being ambitious and striving to do better. Americans should live with the highest expectations possible and we should always push hard to meet those goals....AND WE SHOULD NEVER TAKE ANYTHING LESS THAN FIRST PLACE!

There Is Nothing Wrong With America

As the founders envisioned it: There is nothing wrong with America that removing a thousand layers of government won't fix.

I Am A Libertarian

If you a) don't want to tell people what to do b) keep your tax money, you are probably a libertarian and don't even know it.

The GOP Made Its Own Bed

The situation that we are in was not started by Barack Hussein Obama. One of the reasons that the GOP is in the political wasteland is that it strayed from its core principles.

Oprah's KFC Chicken

The Oprah KFC story makes me think that people like her and Obama are not the disease, but simply a symptom of the disease. The disease is our culture change away from self-reliance and personal responsibility and towards letting someone else (aka the nanny state) take care of things for me. Can't we think for ourselves anymore?

How Do You Defeat A "God"?

How can the proponents of free speech and free markets defeat a "god". How can we present someone else to electorate who can take us back to the original ideals of America, when the whole idea is to NOT have a "god-like" dictator running the show?

Queen Michelle's $500 Tennis Shoes

In the grand tradition of King Obama serving $100 a pound steak at his White house parties while over half a million are out of work, Michelle Obama spends over $500 of taxpayer money on tennis shoes. Way to feel our pain, Michelle

100 Days, 100 Mistakes


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