Look, as a libertarian, both sides hate me equally. Which is why I can smell partisanship a mile away. And you stink of it, Mr. Silver.
FiveThirtyEight.Com - Democrat Posing As Objective PollWatcher
on 1/7/09
Comments: (1)
My my. Here is a surprise. Nate Sliver, supposed objective poll watcher, slams the recount in Minnesota. Have you seen some of the ballots that were supposedly spoiled? Like all of the leftist shrill-bloggers, they SAY that they are objective reporters as they SLAM the conservatives. Objectivity means that you don't slam either side. But I guess objective reporting is simply no longer in fashion. Ever since the media went into the tank for Obama, its become all the rage to present yourself as a non-partisan reporter and "truth teller", while you slam the other side. Has this man ever commented positively on a poll which favored the GOP? If so, I haven't seen it.